Chapter 16- Connor's POV

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It feels like something's changed between me and Brad since that slight hiccup. It feels different, and I'm not quite sure why. I think it's because when we got back together in the first place, there was a lot we wanted and needed to say but didn't, but we got everything out in the air during that fight, and no that the dust has settled a bit it feels much better. Before, I was walking on eggshells, feeling terrified that everything would blow up again, but now that it's happened I feel strangely relaxed- like I can breathe a sigh of relief that it all worked out ok.

Currently, me and Brad are en route to one of his shows. I used to go all the time, in fact he jokingly used to refer to me as his cheerleader, but I am his biggest fan. Obviously, I haven't been for a while, but I'm glad I am now- it feels like old times. "Are you nervous?" I ask as we get out of the car and head into the venue.

"More so than usual." Brad says. "It's because you're here. You have high standards, I can't just let you down can I?"

"I'll cheer you on." I offer. "Maybe I can get a banner and t shirt with your face on." Brad laughs, signing himself in on the list of performers. Nosily, I have a look too. "I didn't know Tristan was playing." I comment.

"Didn't you?" Brad asks. "I'm surprised, he goes on about it quite a lot."

I smile. "I guess my mind's been focused on other things. I wonder if he'll bring James with him?"  James is a long time friend of mine, and weirdly enough his boyfriend is one of Brad's musician friends. I haven't hung out with them as much lately, as I've been busy, but before that I couldn't bear to as they made me think of Brad too much.

"I expect so." Brad says airily. "He usually does. They go everywhere together, it's like they're joined at the hip." 

As we head around the backstage area, I feel a sense of familiarity. I have so many happy memories of here- of seeing Brad do the thing he loves the most. Music makes him so happy, and seeing him so happy makes me happy. Brad gets his guitar out the case and then starts rummaging in his bag for something. I notice his copy of To Kill A Mockingbird in there. "Are you still reading that?" I ask.

He blushes. "Yeah, I'm such a slow reader. I'm really enjoying it though."

I smile. "That's the important thing. What are you looking for?"

"My spare strings." comes Brad's slightly muffled voice from inside his bag. "I know I packed some." After a good 5 minutes or so, his search is fruitless. "Con, can you do me a favour and find out if anyone has an extra set of strings?"

"Sure." I say, getting up.

"Thanks babe." Brad calls as I head out. I look down the corridors and ask everyone I see, but no one is able to help. Suddenly, I turn around and bump into someone I vaguely recognise.

"Connor?" they ask, looking puzzled.

It clicks in my mind suddenly. "Hi Luke!" I say enthusiastically. 

He smiles. "I haven't seen you around for a while. What brings you here?"

"Brad brought me." I answer.

"I thought you were broken up?" Luke asks.

I laugh."Yeah, well, things change and  now we're back together."

"That's good." Luke says. "He missed you so much, you know."

I blush, then remember my mission. "I don't suppose you have a spare set of strings do you? Brad needs some."

Luke bites his lip. "I might do, hang on." He starts looking through his bag in the same way Brad did, but this time with a successful outcome. He hands me a small packet. "Here you go."

"Thank you, you're a lifesaver." I say gratefully. 

"See you later." Luke calls as he goes back.

I head back to where Brad was. "I got you some strings!" I announce triumphantly, waving the packet in the air. 

Brad looks up from trying his shoe. "You angel. Thank you." He fixes the string to the guitar, and we sit feeling relaxed until it's time for Brad to go on.

As we stand at the side of the stage, I fix his collar. "I'm so proud of you. You're amazing."

He smiles, a real genuine smile. "Thanks Con." Soon enough, Brad's name is announced. I give him a quick kiss just before he goes on, and he turns to wink at me. 

"He's crazy about you." says a familiar voice. I turn around to see James standing there.

I give him a hug before saying "And you would know that because..."

"He hasn't smiled like that for so long." says another recognisable voice. I don't know what it is about Tristan, but he has the most amazing ability to sneak up on you. I smile at him then settle in to watch Brad's set. Obviously I'm biased, but he really is good. I love watching him play, and every so often he turns to me and smiles. This is how it's meant to be- me and my boyfriend both being happy. Somehow, I just know that it's going to stay like this.


I felt like a happy chapter was needed, so here we are. I put a trames tag on this story a while ago, but didn't have any until now (oops).

I need to add my usual disclaimer- I don't own this song, and even though I really wish I did, I don't own Brad, Connor, James or Tristan.

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