Chapter 12- Brad's POV

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After the happiest day I've had in almost as long as I can remember, me and Connor are curled up in bed together. Today felt right in so many ways- we kissed, went on an adventure of sorts and are now slowly falling asleep in each other's arms, just like we always used to. We didn't go very far, but spending that time feeling happy and enjoying each other's company was wonderful. It made me realise quite how much I missed Connor. 

I don't know how I survived without him, right now it feels like this is how things are  meant to be. We spent the whole day together, laughing and joking and falling in love all over again. I was crazy to leave him, I know it's only been a day since we decided to get back together, but it's perfect. I made both of us so lonely and heartbroken, and there was no need for it. 

But that's in the past- Connor forgave me and let me back in his life. He's happy and I'm happy. We sat up watching some terrible movie, during which he began to fall asleep on my shoulder. He whined when I went to pick him up so I could carry him to bed, but he promptly stopped when I kissed him. Connor's so adorable when he's sleepy-he's very clingy and cuddly, which is just what I need. 

Sometimes I had to pretend to be annoyed when he inevitably fell asleep on me, but he always looked so cute that I just couldn't stay mad at him. He didn't protest too much when I put him in his bed, but he did beg me to stay with him. "Don't leave me again!" he'd whined. 

I'd laughed in response. "Where am I supposed to go? I can't go home." It's true- there was some kind of police investigation going on at my block, no one could go in. Connor had flashed his big blue eyes at me, and as usual I found it impossible to say no to him. He has me wrapped around his little finger, but I don't really mind. I love to spoil him, so it works out well for both of us. 

Right now, we're both clad in t shirts and boxers are snuggled under Connor's duvet together. "It's so cold in here." I complain.

Connor giggles. "We'll have to cuddle to keep warm." I'm totally on board with that, I don't need an excuse to cuddle him. We fell asleep together yesterday, but that's only because I was meant to be sleeping on the sofa and he came to sit with me as neither of us could sleep. We'd curled under a blanket together then, but this is how we always used to sleep. 

His head is resting on my chest, and I know he's listening to my heartbeat as he once said that it always soothes him. My arms are wrapped around his waist, and he's hugging me back. I missed this- I feel so much more relaxed with Connor in my arms, it somehow makes everything feel alright. Connor snuggles even closer to me, and I can  tell he's beginning to fall asleep. "Brad?" he whispers.

"Yeah?" I reply.

"Thank you for today." he yawns sleepily. "I haven't been this happy for so long."

"Me neither." I agree.  "I love you."

"I love you too." Connor says, tightening his grip on me. 

I laugh, leaning down to kiss his forehead. "Get some sleep babe." Connor blushes at the petname, probably because I haven't called him that in so long. He loved it when I called him babe, but it's true- he's my precious little baby.

We lie in a comfortable silence until I hear Connor begin to snore quietly. I laugh to myself- I used to tease him about it, but in a joking way. It's so cute, he looks really peaceful. Smiling, I reach to run a hand through his soft hair. My heart aches at the idea of some other guy getting to cuddle him and love him.

I can't speak for Connor, but I know when I tried with other boys it didn't work out. I couldn't replicate the spark we had, probably because I was trying to replace a beautifully unique boy with someone generic. But now Connor is back in my arms, fast asleep- no surprise there. I don't know if I'll get to sleep easily tonight, there's too many emotions in my head. They're good ones, but still pretty distracting.

I look down at Connor's sleeping face and feel a smile grow on my face. There's nothing more peaceful than sleeping cuddled up with someone you love, and it's one of the things I missed the most. It's quiet, gentle time, but it means a lot. I shut my eyes and try to drift off, thinking I could do with Connor to rub my back now. I feel his chest rise and fall with mine, we're so in sync- both physically and emotionally. Gradually, sleep creeps up on me and I allow myself to drift off, feeling truly happy. 


This was so bad, I'm sorry 🙈 Please still vote and comment *needy*

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