Chapter 23- Brad's POV

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There was a time not so long ago when I cried every time I woke up, purely because I was so lonely. Now, I smile every morning when I look down to see Connor. I missed him more than I knew was possible, and there's nothing worse than lying in bed alone when you're going through a broken heart. Connor's gone back to sleeping on my chest, just like he always used to. I asked him about it once and he just shrugged and said "I'd rather sleep on your chest than on the world's softest pillow."

I'd laughed in response. "Such a romantic." Still, I'm glad that he likes being close to me. However, today was not one of those times. I woke up this morning and my first thought was 'where the hell is my boyfriend?' I was genuinely quite worried until I heard him singing in the kitchen. I had to laugh at how adorable he is, but I had a complete sense of relief to know that he was still there. 

When he came in carrying 2 cups of coffee, I was pretending to be asleep until I couldn't fight the urge any more and said "Nice singing."

He'd blushed, looking even more cute than usual. "Shut up." 

Right now, we're in the kitchen making pancakes, though realistically we're making a mess. "It says we need 2 eggs." I say, reading the recipe we found on the internet.

Connor goes to the fridge to look, and then comes back yelling "Eggs!" and carrying the box.

"What's wrong with you?" I laugh. "Why are you so hyper?"

"I'm just excited." he says. "I love pancakes."

I roll my eyes. "I can tell. Go and get the flour." He sticks his tongue out at me, but goes to get the ingredients. Soon enough, we're sitting at the table arguing about toppings. "You can't put sprinkles on your breakfast." I say.

"Why not?" Connor asks. "You've basically put like a whole jar of nutella on yours."

"Sprinkles are a cake topping." I argue. "Whereas nutella is both versatile and nutritious. It has hazelnuts in."

"So I can't have it." Connor pouts. "You're the worst boyfriend ever." 

"I'll brush my teeth before I kiss you then." I offer. Connor laughs, and I have to smile to myself. Seeing him happy makes me happy, just as seeing him sad makes me want to cry. "So," I say, taking a sip of my coffee. "What are we going to do today?"

"I don't know." says Connor. "Nothing too energetic, I'm tired."

I laugh at him. "How can you be tired? You slept for like 12 hours straight."

"I'm always tired." Connor reminds me. "And I got up early to make you a drink."

I smirk. "Yeah, like 10 minutes early. And you were awake enough to sing." Connor pretends to swat me around the head, and I jokingly duck. "Ok." I say. "Let's go and get dressed, then we can decide what to do." Connor however refuses to get off his seat, so I have to tickle him and theme drag him up by his hands. 

We head off to get dressed, and I can't help thinking how much of a contrast it is to when we first got back together- then, I had to wear some of Connor's clothes since none of mine were there, but now we're at each other's houses so often that we pretty much share all sorts of belongings. I hear Connor giggle again before he appears wearing one of my hoodies. "You can't wear that, it's mine." I tell him, pretending to be annoyed, even though I love it when Connor wears my clothes.

"You're not wearing it." He points out.

"I might have wanted to." I argue. "You don't know."

Connor smirks. "You're just jealous because I look cuter than you." 

I roll my eyes, but say "Ok. You can wear it if you want. If it makes you happy to be close to me..."

"Of course it does." Connor says, coming over to kiss my cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too."  I tell him. I never get tired of saying it to him, and he never gets tired of hearing it. It's true as well- I love Connor more than anyone else in the world, and I fall in love with him all over again every time I look at him. I'm so glad to have him back in my life. 

About 10 minutes later, I'm fully dressed so we can go. As we walk. Connor points out "We still haven't chosen anywhere to go."

"Never mind." I say confidently. "We'll see where we end up." Connor smiles, reaching to slip his small hand into mine. I instantly wrap my fingers around his palm. 

As we walk, we talk about the most meaningless things, but somehow they feel like the best conversations ever. Connor's hand worms itself further into mine, and I run my thumb over his hand. It's weird, I'd be so bored if it was with anyone else, but since it's Connor I'm amazed. Being with him never fails to make me happy, and I hope I do the same to him. I also hope that he knows how much I love him. And even though not much is happening, I wouldn't trade this moment for anything.


This was bad, but I'm so tired (what a surprise). Let me know if you enjoyed it!

I'm going to see the boys next Saturday, so there won't be an update for a couple of weeks. Please don't forget me *weirdly clingy*

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