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[ I think I spelled 12 wrong...oh well. I hope you guys aren't armed up with weapons ready to kill me- I know I haven't updated in a while but school (same old shit but a different day) is just taking up my life. ]


*Liam's POV*

I was merely sane- It felt like I was on the verge of losing it; text after text. He was always there. I didn't know where to go without having someone follow me there and it only seemed to get worse when I was with Zayn. 

Zayn, of course, still didn't know anything although I am pretty sure he knew something was up with the worried glances he offered me everything I was with him. 

So, I ended up avoiding him for the past week which was practically the most difficult thing to do since he lived right next door. 

"You should go see Zayn. He's annoying the shit out of Louis and I" Harry stated as he aimlessly fiddled around with the remote- constantly switching channels. 

"I don't know, Haz. You know he can't find out" I replied, grabbing  the remote out of his hands. The constant flashing of the changing channels really wasn't helping my headache. In frustration, I switched the TV off and threw the remote aside- throwing my head back. 

"He cares about you. I am sure he's not going to leave just like that- not without letting you explain" Harry explained. He pushed a firm arm around my shoulder and pulled me close, letting me rest my head on his shoulder. 

I didn't reply being completely out of words. 

The silence was only disturbed by the loud blaring of the door bell. Instantly, I sat up. I have been more jumpy lately- expecting RedAce to surprise me expectantly. I knew he wouldn't really come through the door- sneaking in through windows would be more like him yet still it didn't relax me any further. 

"It's proabably Lou" Harry whispered behind me, his voice smooth and gentle as if he trying to tell me not to freak out. Harry shifted, about to get up but I put a hand on his thigh and stood up instead. 

"Sit, I'll go"

Harry nodded and sat back down as I made my way to the front door- the door bell blaring yet again. I rolled my eyes- only Louis can be this impatient. 

"What took you so bloody long?" Louis complained as he stepped inside, shrugging off his coat urgently. I passed him a frown that he smoothly ignored. 

"Chill man. What's up with you?" Harry asked as walked up behind me. Louis visibly relaxed as his eyes ran over Harry's figure - I, certainly did not feel like the third wheel- before he fixed his eyes on, brows pressed together. 

"Louis, what is it?" I asked. 

"This" He spat as his hand flew up. Before me his fingers were firmly curled around a bracelet - blue and maroon in colour. I stepped closer realizing what he was holding up. It was...It was the same bracelet that I had seen under Zayn's bed- the one I has lost two years ago. I never got to ask Zayn about it but, but how did Louis get hold of it?

"Where did you get this?" I demanded as I pulled the bracelet out of his hands. 

"I don't get it" Harry whispered behind me, stepping forward to take a look at the band of blue and maroon in my hands. 

"It's Liam- or was. His favourite bracelet and he lost it on the day of his 19th birthday, the same day-"

"Same day texts from RedAce started" Harry finished off, his eyes meeting mine. I looked away. I didn't get this. How did Zayn...? How did Louis get it...?

"Louis, where did you get this?" I asked him. I had a feeling but I only hoped that I was wrong. I only hoped that the bracelet I saw at Zayn's was a similar one to this and not this one itself. But the dancing flare in Louis' eyes told me otherwise. 

"He came to the cafe today and we talke-"

"You talked to RedAce?" Harry exclaimed. He moved his hand towards Louis, almost protectively. 

"He's not talking about RedAce, Harry" I muttered quietly. 

"Then who...?"

"Zayn. He came to the cafe, for Liam. We talked- I told him that Liam needed some time away that he was going through some family stuff and he understood. He asked me to tell Liam to call whenever he felt ready to and he turned around to leave but this- it dropped out of his pocket. He didn't notice, I don't think he did otherwise I wouldn't have it right now" Louis explained. It was evident from the harshness of his voice about what was on his mind but no, fuck. Zayn can't have anything to do with RedAce.

It wouldn't make sense. 

How do you explain RedAce threatening me to stay away from Zayn if Zayn, himself is RedAce. No way- it just doesn't make sense. 

But then how do you explain the bracelet?

"You need to talk to Zayn about this, right now if possible" Louis ordered as he brushed past me into the living room. 

"And what do I tell him exactly?" I exclaimed, following Louis. 

"You tell him the truth"

[ sorry about the late update again. thank you for the over 200 votes on the last chapter. I love you guys for it. the next update will be soon now that I know what to write. hope  this chapter was okay ]






ily. x

RedAce // ziamDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora