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[ I decided not make you guys suffer for too long, so here's the chapter ]

*Liam's POV*

"Zayn?" I tried again, taking a step closer to him just as the steady rhythm of my heart got replaced by uneven, chaotic beats. I was on the edge; anxious and furious. None of it would make sense to me- what would Zayn have anything to do with a bracelet of mine? why wouldn't he just answer?

"You have got to answer me, Zayn" I breathed out, being as gentle as I could with the sound of my voice even though I was just aching to shout and scream- maybe, that will get Zayn to open his mouth and talk. 

"Where did you get that from?" Zayn asked - not in his normal i-am-so-sexy voice. There wasn't even a hint of his usual smoothness and confidence. It was like he had forced the words out of himself. 

That day you came to the coffee shop, you dropped it. Louis picked it up but that doesn't matter, Zayn. I want to know where you got it from. You know whose it is, don't you?" I asked, the gentleness slipping away and the anger slowly slipping in to my words. As much as I tried to contain it with in me - I was angry. I just wanted some honest answers for once in my life. 

Zayn pressed his lips in a thin line and averted his eyes away from me, fixing them on his own shoes. My hands reached out for his arm, fingers curling around his biceps firmly as I shook him demanding an answer. 

"Whose bracelet is this?" 

I didn't know what I was hoping to find from Zayn. I really didn't. 

"It's yours, Liam" Zayn mumbled quietly. If I wasn't standing that close to him I would have definitely missed it. I knew that. What I didn't know was what Zayn had to do with the bracelet. I was about to take a step back because I couldn't think - not when I was so bloody close to Zayn, Zayn and everything else. But Zayn catches my arm before I can and pulled me back in, his eyes pleading for me to not fight him off. 

I don't, of course. 

But I don't lean in to him - I couldn't. There was an invisible barrier, one that would've never existed before, between the two of us, keeping me a fair distant away from Zayn. 

"I am sorry" Zayn whispered ever so softly, and just sincerely.  I could hear the distress and misery swimming in the edges of his apology and I wanted to know. I wanted to know what Zayn was so sorry about. 

"What have you done?" I asked - seeing as those were the first words to pop up in my head. I clutched the soft fabric of Zayn's t-shirt tightly in my hands. I didn't want to let go off him. Not now. 

But I was scared of what Zayn might have done. 

"I hurt you. I didn't want to, I never wanted that. I just wanted you. But fuck, I am sorry. I am sorry I hurt you, I am sorry I, myself drove you away from me. I didn't mean to scare you. For months, I have been watching you, just wanting you and I couldn't help it. I need to do something and- 

Zayn had my face firmly cupped in the palm of his hands so that I wouldn't look away from him. He had his eyes strictly on mine, not even daring to look for a minute. I wished he'd let me look away because seeing those tears forming in his eyes was just making me break. I didn't want to see him cry. 

I wanted to reach out and brush them off but I stayed still and I tried to focus on my breathing instead as Zayn pressed his forehead against mine, lips slight brushing my own. 


"No, let me talk. I wanted to you know that I care about you - more than anything I have cared about. Whatever this was, it wasn't a joke. Never. And I can't have you walk out, I need you like I need air. So just promise me first you wouldn't leave me" Zayn pleaded as he entwined our hands together and as much as I wanted to give Zayn that promise, I didn't - I couldn't. 

"Give me the truth first..." I begged. 

"Those texts...texts that- fuck, you have to understand Liam, it was just to get you to me. Just for me to understand you, know you and nothing more. You can't hate me for it" Zayn said, his eyes mirroring the desperateness of his voice.

I back away from him, eyes wide as the truth suddenly down on to me, and pushed Zayn off me. Breathing wasn't a possible option for me in the moment, even though there was air all around me I couldn't breath. It was like my lungs had clogged up and the tears, I tried to let them flow down my cheeks but they stayed frozen, numb. 

"Who are....who are you?" I didn't know. I didn't know who Zayn even was anymore. 


[ so yeah...hope that made up for last chapter's cliffhanger even though I ended this chapter with a cliffhanger too...what can I say? I love those cliff budies. haha. So yeah, this was probably my favourite chapter to write so far so really hope it was good enough for you guys. I apologise for the shortness but school is back on and so you know. Also, sorry for any typos or grammer mistakes.  ]

[ Also, thanks @ShinySmile, RedAce is nominated for the 1D Bromance Award (Olympic 2014) the voting is open till saturday. So it would mean a lot if you guys went and wanted for this story, you don't have to but it would mean a lot if you do. Use the external link if you guys want to go and vote.  ]

So that's it. 







I love you. x

RedAce // ziamWhere stories live. Discover now