twenty four

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[ hello :) ]

*Zayn's POV*

"You should go home. I am fine -- I'll be fine" Liam promised as he tucked himself in. I sat by the edge of his bed, unsure of whether I should leave him just yet. The colour from his face was still drained, making him look extremely pale. 

"I want to stay" I answered as I went to take hold of his hand. 

"Zayn" Liam sighed as he pulled his hand out of my reach and shift back. I knew what was coming up and it wasn't like I didn't expect it, Liam had every right to still have his guard up. "This doesn't change anything, we still --"

"I know and this has nothing to do with me trying to get you back. It's just I can't help it - I need to know you'll be okay. I will only stay here for a while then I will be out" I stated, this time when I reached out for his hand, Liam didn't pull away instead he let me with a small smile. 


I hummed, in response, not taking my eyes off him. 

"Thank you for last night. It means a lot" Liam leaned forward, uncertainty flashing through his eyes before he placed a quick kiss on my cheek, his lips lingering for a split second before he pulled away with an awkward cough. 

I grinned at him, which he chose to ignore as his eyes didn't return my gaze and kept them focused on his hands, his fingers playing with the hem of his shirt. 

"You think too much. Don't

"I don't think too much and even if I do, I can't help it" Liam snapped with a roll of his eyes causing me to chuckle fondly. 

"Get some rest, Li" 

I got up from his bed, letting go off Liam's hand gently before I turned around to leave the room. Liam let out a whine in protest making me stop causing me to turn around and watch him with a smirk. 

"It's 1"

"Cheers, thanks for letting me know the time. Now, come on back to sleeping" I gestured towards him and the bed

"I can't sleep right now, Zayn"

"Yes you can, just close your eyes and I know you will. You haven't sleep most of the night. So please just try and do this...for me?" I requested as I walked back to him. Liam huffed but he laid back down on the bed anyway, closing his eyes forcefully, 

"You guys are fucking overreacting" he murmured before he settled down against his pillow and hugged his covers closer. 

"Sweet dreams, Li" I cooed as I leaned down and placed a kiss on his temple. He visibly relaxed at that however before he could allow himself to react further to that gesture, I turned around and stepped out of the room, closing the door gently behind him. 

As much as I wanted to wait outside his room to make sure Liam would be alright, I couldn't. Louis will eventually realize that he still hates me and it wouldn't be long till he would shout me out of Liam's flat so it was better to leave right. I could always come and check on Liam, plus he needed his sleep as of this moment. 

I went down the stairs, pausing outside Harry's room for a second to make sure I had taken my phone with me and hadn't left it in Liam's room. I didn't have it. But before I could go back up the stairs, something caught my attention, murmuring and hushed whispering - coming from Harry's room. 

I knew I shouldn't have stayed out there and listened - I had promised Liam I would leave both Harry and Louis out of this RedAce business but I couldn't help myself. It was the way Harry had been acting recently. 

I placed my ear against his door, managing to be just about quiet enough. It was a fews minutes before I was able to figure out what exactly Harry was saying. 

"I hurt him. I hurt Liam. 'S my fault" 

That was enough to have me move away from the door. Harry wasn't talking on the phone, either was he talking to someone else in his room. It sounded a lot like he was talking to himself, like he was forcing those words upon himself because he was realizing those words. I stepped forward to walk into his room but I coouldn't - there was something in Harry's voice that stopped me from confronting him in that moment. 

I took a step back and climbed back up a stair. I couldn't seem to break out of it. So much was rushing throught my mind at the same time and I didn't know what to think. How had Harry hurt Liam? Why did he? There was a small part of them that was angry because Harry had hurt Liam and although, I didn't knew what he had done I still couldn't control that feeling. 

A sharp cough brought me out of my thoughts and I whipped around to find Liam standing at the top of the stairs, clutching my phone in his hands. Shit. He probably saw me listen through Harry's door.


"Leave, please" He hissed as he walked down and slammed my phone against my chest. I grabbed his arm and pulled him back before he could walk away, begging him with my eyes for him to hear me out but Liam had every right to be upset. I had promised him. 

"I wasn't--"

"I really don't want to hear it right now, just go Zayn"

Before I could even reply Liam pulled his hand out of mine and rushed up the stairs not even looking back. 

Just when things were looking a bit brighter between the two of us, I had to mess it up again. 

[ soo...yeah, that was okay, right? sorry for any typos/errors ]







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