Chapter Twenty-Four: What Have I Done?

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We bid my father goodbye, and decided to walk home.

"That was...quite the speech you gave back there." I told him.

"It was, wasn't it?" He recalled, grabbing my hand.

"Did you mean it?" I questioned. When he didn't respond, I continued, "It's alright if you didn't. I know you were just trying to help me-"


"To which part?" He stopped, turning to me.

"Yes, I meant it. " I raised my eyebrows, and he chuckled. "I'm serious. I love you."

"That', that's a lot to take."

"Why are you having a problem with this?" He asked. I shook my head.

"Nothing, I just...I want to say it, because the feelings are definetly there, but...I'm kind of scared."

"Why?" I sighed.

"Last time I told someone I loved them, they know the story with Michael."

"I'm not Michael." His smile fell.

"No, I know.I just...I have some trust issues. I'm going to work on them, I...I love you too. There. I said it." Barney rolled his eyes at me, kissing me, and holding our hands between us. I pulled away, looking down and biting my lip before looking up at him. He put a hand on my face. 

"I have to go ask Robin something. Why don't you head to my apartment and we'll have dinner." I nodded.

"Ok." I kissed him again before walking away, my fingers sliding out of his. I was in love with Barney Stinson. Somehow, itw as different than before. It wasn't like Michael. I know that Barney would never do anything to hurt me.  Everything is good.


I headed to the bar, where Robin was sitting in the booth by herself.

"Alright. I can't find your video. I wasted three days tr..." I trailed off when I saw that she was crying. At least, she was about to. "What's a matter?"

"Uh...Simon dumped me in his van after the show."

"Yeah, Robin, that was like ten years ago." I told her confused.

"No, tonight."

"Ooh...really?" I laughed a bit and then she started sobbing. "Oh...Oh, come here." I moved, sitting beside her and wrapping an arm around her shoulders. She leaned her head on my shoulder, crying into my jacket.

"It's just...when I was young, I was so vulnerable and open to things, you know? And...I guess I just...I wanted to feel that way again. I wanted to be sixteen again."

"Robin, that is the stupidest thing I've ever ehard come out of your mouth. You want to be sixteen again? I have watched your first Robin Sparkles video a thousand times, and it's not because I'm proud of you as a friend. It's because you were totally, totally lame back then. But now,  come on, packow you are one of the most awesome people I have ever known. You are way more awesome than Simon ever will be."

"Barney, do you want to come back to my place?"

"I can't. Lauren's waiting for me..." I trailed off as she leaned in and whispered in my ear. "I can afford a minute or two."

"Kids, that night your Aunt Robin invited Barney over,  offered him a beer, and they watched Robin Sparkles's second video 'Sandcastles in the sand'. They watched it over and over again that night, and drank more and more until finally...they stopped watching."


I sat up, rubbing my eyes. I looked around and realized that I wasn't in my bed...and Robin waking up next to me answered any questions that I had.

"No, no, no, no, no!" I exclaimed, getting out of bed and grabbing my clothes. Robin sat up and screamed.

"Oh my gosh, did we-"

"Yeah, I think we did."

"Why did we do that!?" She exclaimed.

"We were drunk and it was late, I...Oh no...Lauren was waiting for me last night." She stopped.

"I can't beleive I did this to her again. She's gonna hate me."

"Maybe...Maybe she doesn't have to know. Maybe we just, forget this ever happened." As soon as I said it, I knew it couldn't happen.

"She's your girlfriend, Barney. You have to tell her." I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"I gotta go."


I woke up on Barney's couch. On the table a few feet away, sat a cold and forgotten dinner and a few half melted candles. I'd made dinner for Barney last night, and he never showed up. I got up, rushing to his bedroom. When I saw he wasn't there, fear filled me and I grabbed my phone. Just as I was dialing his number, his front door opened and in he came, in last night's clothes. He looked at me, looked over at the table, then back at me.

"What the heck happened last night?" I asked.

"I..." He looked as if he was trying to think of what to say. Tears dotted in my eyes.

"What did you do, Barney?"

"Nothing. I didn't do anything. I went back to Robin's place to watch the Robin Sparkles video, and I fell asleep. I'm sorry I didn't call and tell you, and I'm sorry that your dinner went to waste." He told me. I let out a sigh of relief, running a hand through my hair.

"You scared me." he nodded.

"I know. I'm sorry." He walked over, pressing his lips lightly against mine. "I'm gonna go shower, so why don't you go back to your place, get changed, and then I'll take you out for breakfast to make it up to you." I smiled, nodding at him.


I watched her leave, and instantly I felt terrible.

What have I done?

Challenge Accepted(A Barney Stinson/HIMYM Fan-fiction) BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now