Chapter 1

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Louis POV

'Only 5 miles left' Liam say from the backseat. 'That's about the distance we walked to get to the car.'

To walk that distance took us a long time, that may or may not have to do something with the fact that we can't read maps. We now know how to do it.

Liam, Niall and Zayn are sitting in the backseats and Harry is sitting next to me in, what I found out thanks to the instructions that laid in the car, the passenger seat. I am the one driving. I'm not driving very fast, according to the screen I'm driving about 10 miles an hour. 

'So that means we could be there in half an hour in this pace.' Zayn says with a irritated sounding voice. You could tell that he misses his mate. It must be hard being away from her. I'm not mated yet so I don't know exactly what he feels.

'I think we should stop and go to rest. It's dark outside now anyways. If we reach the city when it's night than they could think we are intruders and than they could capture us or something.' Liam says.

I nod and look at my watch, my mum knew how to set the clock right in time and give me a working watch and a lot of batteries to make sure it keeps working. 'It's almost midnight now, I think we should follow Liam's advice up and stop here.' I say looking over to the passenger seat to see Harry soundless asleep. I can't help but smile while I watch him. In my mind though I know something isn't right. When we were walking in the woods, Liam commented that he could smell that Harry was close to heat. Harry had looked panicked and I said that I could smell it already this morning. When we went to sleep that night somewhere in the woods I couldn't smell Harry anymore even though he laid beside me. I don't know how that's possible. Besides Harry has slept almost the whole road to Manchester waking up to eat something but other than that he was asleep. How can someone even sleep that much. 

I shake my head pulling my self out of my thoughts and hit the breaks to stop the car. It stops almost immediately because we are driving as slow as we are.

'Harry could be sleeping beauty I swear! I thought I slept much but Harry sleeps even more than me!' Zayn comments shaking his head I see in the rear view mirror. I learned a lot about cars thanks to the instructions on Harry's lap. It laid on his seat and he volunteered to keep it with him while I drove and Liam was reading the map. Though we now came on a way where there were signs next to the road. 

'Yeah, Harry sleeps a lot indeed. It's weird that he hasn't gone in to heat yet though, I could smell him so clearly but he seemed fine a few hours later.' Liam says. 

I nod 'I could smell him in the morning, it got stronger all day until it was completely gone at night. I don't know how that's possible.'

'Me neither.' Zayn and Liam say at the same time. I smile at them and shake my head

'You two never change.' I say turning around in my seat and unbuckling my seat belt 'Niall is also asleep though, Harry isn't the only one.'

'Not true, Tomlinson I was asleep.' Niall says but letting his head rest on Liam's shoulder. 'Is there some food left? I am hungry.' 

I chuckle 'You're always hungry Niall. But I would like something to eat as well. Think we are out of food though, we packed for three days and we have only been driving for like 4 days, let alone the part that we walked.'

Liam picks up a bag that he has between his feet 'I have two slices of bread left and one bottle of water.' 

Zayn checks his bag 'Nothing besides an apple.'

'I don't have any food with me anymore.' Niall says sounding sad. Liam gives him one of the two slices of bread though  and immediately his face lights up 'Thanks Li!' He says between two bites.

I look through my bag, only finding one bottle of water. Harry didn't take food with him in the first place, we shared mine. 'Nothing, only a bottle water. But I am saving that for tomorrow morning. We should find some food tomorrow in Manchester.'

Liam and Zayn both nod and Niall exclaims 'So this is all the food we got to survive from?! I am going to die before we even reach Manchester!'

Liam shakes his head chuckling at his mate 'Of course not Niall! Don't be so dramatic, besides you just had food, I am more worried about the two in the front seats who didn't eat since this morning.' Liam says with a frown on his face.

'We'll be fine, Liam. Don't worry.' I say and Zayn gives the apple to me. 'You don't need to do that! Now you don't have anything left.'

'Me, Niall and Zayn will share what I have left tomorrow morning. If you don't accept it than at least give it to Harry. He looks weak.' Liam says while looking over to him. I got to agree with him. Harry doesn't look good at all, his skin is a lot paler than usual and he has a pale skin from his own. Besides that he is skinny. He was too skinny when I saw him laying in his bed the first time, it hasn't got much better neither has it got worse, luckily. 

'Okay, I'll give it to him.' I say agreeing with the boys in the backseat. I need to find out what's going on with Harry but I can't do that when he's asleep. 'I think we should all catch some sleep before we reach Manchester in the morning.'

'I agree with you, Louis. What are we going to do with this car? Are we going to take it to Manchester?' Zayn asks me and I shake my head. 

'Think we should leave it on the side of the road. I will drive like one or two miles tomorrow, the rest we will walk. That way they won't see us as something dangerous. You don't know how they live their lives.'

I see both boys nod and I see Niall has closed his eyes again, sleeping on Liam's shoulder. It looks cute.

'I do remember your mother saying that they don't have Alphas, Betas and Omegas. They're all human she said. I guess we will find out what that means in the morning.' Zayn says resting his head on the window and closing his eyes 'Goodnight boys.' 

Me and Liam say our 'good nights' to everyone before I curl up in my seat, the side of my head resting on the headrest. I am facing Harry, I reach one of my hands to Harry's arm softly stroking it, making sure he doesn't wake up. 

'Goodnight, Hazza.' I whisper so If he was awake he would be the only one that could hear me. I feel my eyes getting heavy and I soon fall asleep, still stroking Harry's arm. The skin feels so soft under my touch.

I'm still not weak (Sequel to 'I'm not weak') - LarryWhere stories live. Discover now