Chapter 11

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Louis POV

The werewolf effect stopped having effect on me and Harry after about six days. Those six days had been spent in our locked bedroom, most of the time my cock in Harry's ass much like right now, the only difference is that Harry had barely been able to sleep, I could a little in between sometimes, and now he had his head on my chest while I was knotting him. 

I felt it was almost going down now though, luckily. It feels nice though, this position, I wouldn't mind being in this all the time but me and Harry have barely ate anything for the last few days and especially Harry, who I can now call my mate which still sounds insane in my head, should really get some food in his stomach. 

About ten minutes later, my knot had gone down completely and I was able to pull out which I did carefully. Besides me Harry stirs a bit and his eyes open a little, he still looks extremely tired. His voice sounds tired as well once he speaks up. 'Louis?' 

'Yes, Love. How are you feeling?' I ask him stroking some of his curls out of his face. I touch Harry's forehead and feel that it's back to normal temperature. His heat is officially over. 

'I dunno. My stomach feels kind of weird and I'm so tired.' He says and his eyes are already drooping again.

'I think your stomach feels weird cause you haven't eaten in a few days, Harry. Neither did you sleep much.' I say and then I carefully untangle myself from his body and walk over to our closet. In the time we've been here some of our clothes has been moved in there. I take some clean clothes for myself and some basics for Harry. 'Here, take some clean boxers and a T-shirt. I'll take you downstairs, hopefully to find some food for both of us, sounds as a good plan?' 

Harry just simply nods in response, yawning a bit as well. He takes the items for me and changes underneath the covers, on which I can't help but chuckle a bit seeing as I saw him naked like the whole week. Harry's cheeks turn a reddish color, meaning he also knows this. 

Once I'm dressed and Harry's finished as well, I pick him up wrapped up in a blanket. He snuggles up and hides his face in my chest, yawning again before he closes his eyes. My mate is too cute I think with a fond smile on my lips. 

I walk carefully down the stairs where I'm met with Zayn sitting alone in one of the chairs in the living room. I carefully lay Harry down and untangle his arms from around my neck. When I turn back around I see Zayn looking at us with a smirk. 

'I knew you were going to mate even before Harry went in heat. It was in the way you looked at him, Louis. And Harry is like a monkey to you, always close by.' Zayn says to us. 'Congratulations though on finally mating. Thought it would happen sooner, but yeah apparently being bitten by a werewolf was the last bit of encouragement you both needed.' I roll my eyes at his words. 

'Well, mister 'I knew this was going to happen all along' Malik, if you don't want the kitchen, or maybe even the whole house, to get burned down then I suggest you getting me and Harry some food.' I say sticking my tongue out to him. 

Zayn stands up with a huff and walks out of the room, but suddenly stops in the doorway and turns back to us with wide eyes. 'Have you two eaten anything, these past six days?' 

'If you don't count the two apples and the half filled bag of sweets I found in one of our bags, than no we haven't. We've been a bit too occupied for that.' I reply to him. He opens his mouth to say something and his face has shock written all over it, but in the end he turns around and walks into the kitchen out of my sight. 

I'm pretty confused by his reaction, I know for a matter of fact that he and Perrie, his mate of which I finally know the name of, had also seen each other in their birthday suits in the same situation as me and Harry. He shouldn't react so surprised when I told him me and Harry where to busy to think about it. That's completely normal... Or is it not? Is it not supposed to go this way? I don't know that much about omegas beside the facts that they go into heat, they're submissive and that they can be both male and female. Suddenly I get a feeling I'm missing an important fact here. 

The one who must know the answer and is the closets, not a clue where Niall and Liam are actually, is Zayn. So with a last glance towards Harry, who is sleeping and not worrying about anything unlike me, I follow him into the kitchen. 

'Where are Liam and Niall?' I ask him as I open the counter and get out some plates as he's cooking. I think he's cooking macaroni at least judging by the smell. No one ever lets me near fire or uncooked food since I once burned water. Don't ask.

'Niall went into heat three days ago. He should be fine again though by this evening.' Zayn replies and looks over to me. 'According to Liam people on suppressants have a shorter heat than people who aren't, so I'm guessing Harry doesn't use them?' 

'Not that I know off. I thought people who were on suppressant never went into heat anyways.' I reply. 'Zayn, what fact am I missing here?' 

Zayn turns off the fire and walks to the table with a pan full of steaming macaroni, like I smelled. He puts it down on the table and looks me straight in the eye. 'You seriously mean you don't know there is a 99.5% chance that an omega gets pregnant if it goes into heat once it isn't on suppressants? And the 99.5% is by every time an alpha knots him, so with the amount of come that's in Harry now, I'm sure he's pregnant, Louis.' 

I'm still not weak (Sequel to 'I'm not weak') - LarryWhere stories live. Discover now