Chapter 8

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Louis POV

I keep pacing around the room and I know the other boys are getting really irritated by it.

'Louis sit the fuck down, you pacing around the room is not going to make Harry magically appear back here.' Zayn says anger clear is his voice.

I stop right in front of him with a glare 'Do you have a fucking idea what to do than? Do you have any idea how it feels to wake up alone in bed and than to recognize that the one I'm freaking in love with is no where to be seen? What the hell am I supposed to do?!' I sit down on the couch next to Liam in defeat.

'Wait, you're in love with Harry?!' Zayn asks, looking at me with wide eyes.

Letting out a sigh I admit 'Yes.' None of the boys have a reaction to that as the all sit in silence, not daring to look at me again after I said that. 'I'm done. I'm not going to sit here waiting, I'm going to look for him.' With that I run out of the house, not caring about the others, only caring about finding Harry.

I run around to the part of the town where we haven't been. It's been a week since Harry was bitten by the dog and he had been laying in bed with me all week to let the wound heal, but this morning he wasn't there. I had forced myself not to panic and went to look for him, but when I came downstairs I found out that to my horror, that Harry was no where to be seen and no one had seen Harry at all that morning. We had waited some time, but he never returned and it got me worried.

When I reach the start of some woods just a few streets away from my house I slow down a bit. Harry could be every where, that also means in the woods. The woods looks really dangerous and there is something inside of me saying that I shouldn't enter here, but on the other end there is something in me that tells me that there is a chance Harry is here.

Coming to a point with my thoughts I decide to follow the part that tells me there is a chance Harry is here. I wander around the woods, not knowing where to go.

At some point while I get the feeling I'm being watched. I keep looking around me to make sure I don't get followed. Suddenly a howl not to far away from me. Not thinking twice about it I start to walk in the direction where the howl sounded from.

When I reach the exact spot where the howl came from I'm standing frozen to the ground. A little further away from me is laying Harry's body but hovering over him is a big brown wolf. Harry looked like he was passed out and there is some red liquid laying by him, what I guess is blood.

I carefully take a step forward which turns out not to be a good idea as a twig snaps right underneath my foot. At the sound the wolf turns around and looks directly at me. I can't process what's happening as in less than a second a wolf is hovering over me letting out an angry sounding howl before he bites into my shoulder which makes me pass out.

How long I have been out, is something I don't have a clue about. What I do know is that when I wake up, I see a wolf change into a human. I close my eyes again, I must be dreaming.

However, when I do indeed open my eyes again, I can sit up straight without any pain. I blink a few times as I scan the area where I am. First, I notice I'm still in the woods and Harry is still laying a few feet away passed out. Next thing I notice I can see three times as clear as before. 

Ignoring that fact I ran over to where Harry is laying. This time I see that the red liquid is indeed blood, but what surprises me is that there is no wound on Harry, only his clothes are scratched.

There is something going on here. 

'LOUIS!' I suddenly hear a familiar voice yell and I look up to see Liam, Zayn and Niall running towards me. The boys kneel down next to me.

'What happened?' Zayn asks looking from me to Harry. 'Why is your jacket ripped and is Harry's T-shirt a mess and- wow, is that blood?' I look down to my shoulder to see that he's right and my left shoulder is ripped, exposing my skin. 

'That was his fault.' A female voice from behind us speaks up. We all look up to see someone standing there with the same boy I saw change from a wolf into a human just a few minutes ago. 'He's sorry that he attacked you two.' She says gesturing to me and Harry. 'You smell like werewolves and he thought you were rogues that's why he attacked you. Are you by any chance from London though?'

I look a bit startled at her before I answer 'Sort of, parents are from London. Wait what do you mean with 'we smell like werewolves'?!' 

'That is an explanation for everything! The Alpha/Beta/Omega DNA you got in your blood are officially from wolves, but they're not as strong to make you change into a werewolf like this one over here. Well.. Now he bit you two, and by the looks you two are already healed, there is a big chance you can.'

Niall stares dumbfounded at her 'Are you trying to tell me that there is a chance to of my friend can possibly change into werewolves now?'

'That's also a way to say it yes.' She says. I really need some time to take in all this information. I don't get that time now though as she walks over to me 'Is there anything different about you sight? Like can you see better now?' I nod slowly, not really thrusting her. 'Can you hear an animal close by?' She asked.

'Yeah, there is a bird about three miles away.' I answer her honestly 'Wait, how do I know that?'

'I was right, they are.' She says not answering my question as she looks back to the other boys who are just watching me with their mouths hanging open. 'Close your mouths you'll catch flies.' She says while she stands up and walks over to the boy, who is looking really ashamed right now. 

As I get everything on a row I notice what she just told us. 'Wait, I'm not a werewolf!' She just chuckles in response.

'Not a full one yet, no. But you'll be, just like the passed out omega behind you.'

Liam reacts to that. 'How do you know, he's an omega?' He asks warily looking at the woman. By the looks of it, he doesn't trust her either.

'I also know that you're an Alpha, just like the one that doesn't believe me.' I snort at the reference, butt can't deny it. 'I can explain it all to you, but I won't do that hear. You never know who to trust in the woods nor do you know who could be listening to our conversation here. Let's go back to your place, than you know I won't entrap you.' We look at each other and make a silent agreement to that statement.

'Fine.' Liam says, not really sounding convinced but agreeing with us that this is a chance to get an explanation to the situation we are caught in right now. 

I turn back to see Harry blinking up at me. 'Louis?' He asks, his voice sounding weak. 

'Yes, Harry?' I answer, brushing his curls out of his face softly.

'Why are we in the woods?' He asks me and I'm about to open my mouth to reply to him as he asks the next question 'And why is my aunt here?' 


How bad of me! I just noticed it's been two weeks since I updated. You're all really lucky that I found a gap between my exams to write this chapter for you!

Now you'll all get why it's in the category werewolf! This is what I have been planing from the beginning and I'm glad I finally reached this point! 

Hope you all enjoy this, updates will come frequent again this weekend.

:) xx

I'm still not weak (Sequel to 'I'm not weak') - Larryحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن