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Once they woke up in the morning after they had talked to the man in the café they all had a long talk and came to the conclusion that they should leave as soon as possible.

Everything that could be of any use and all the personal stuff of the boys was packed in a few hours. They stayed another day, which they spent just talking to each other, getting to know a few more details about there lives. The things they didn't know already.

Just before midnight is were it would continue...

And a few days after is when the shock would become real and even more secrets would be revealed.

It will be a fight, a struggle and the amount of survivors is no one sure about.

But in the end you will know. It will all be revealed in the way back to London, to the escapers place.

Find it all out in:

I Won't Be Weak

A/N: Surprise!!! It was planned from the beginning that it was going to be a trilogy. It feels a little strange to be saying that I completed two of the three books in the 'Not Weak' serie.

I'm excited to start the third book, but I'll wait until July seeing as June is a busy, but good busy, month. The one direction concert I'm attending is then and to top that off I need to study a lot in June for my last school exam week. Once I'm done in July, the third book will officially start. Maybe the description will be posted in June though and I hope you're all just as excited as I am to find out what's going to happen in I Won't Be Weak.

Thank you all so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed the books so far and will enjoy the third one as well!

:) xx

I'm still not weak (Sequel to 'I'm not weak') - LarryWhere stories live. Discover now