Chapter 6

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Louis POV

'Truth or dare, Niall?' Is the first thing me and Harry hear when we walk into the living room. It may seem like a crazy idea to go play truth or dare while you're running away, not knowing what for or what you're looking for. But that just how we work. We are full of crazy ideas and it works for us. Not sure if that also works for Harry. It used to work...

'Dare!' He says mouth full of crisps. It's really weird that we always had the same food in the supermarket but never had any of electricity or anything. There are more strange things happening at a place we call home when you think about it. 

'Lick the weirdest thing you can find in the house.' Zayn says with a smirk. He is the one that once came up with this game. He had read about it in one of the old books he has. His house is used as a library so he has a lot of books and knows a lot about things that used to exist. Me and Harry take a seat.

'The weirdest thing... I KNOW!' Niall says walking in my direction. I raise an eyebrow in the air as he stops right in front of me and leaves a long wet stripe on my cheek. 

'YIKES! NIALL!' I scream, careful not use alpha voice around Harry, as i wipe me cheek. Niall goes back to sit on his previous spot while Zayn and Liam can't calm down from their laughing fit. Even Harry giggles. You got to admit that that's cute. I can't help myself when I smile fondly at him.

'Where you all laughing at? The weirdest thing in this house got to be Louis!' Niall says shaking his head. 'Well, truth or dare,  Louis?'

When I see the smirk around his lips I decide to do something to shock him. 'Truth.'

The smirk falls from his lips. I always choose dare, but I don't want to do anything weird and I saw Niall's look. He was planning something. 'uhm... If there was one thing you could change about the escapers place, except the rule against homosexuality, what would you change?' 

All the boys look at me genuinely interested. I get why they're so interested, I don't speak about me going to be the next leader. And if I do talk about it, I say that there should be no law against homosexuality. Partly because of myself obviously. I take a look at Harry, he's looking at me with a curious look in his eyes. I am not good at reading people, I've said that before, but I wear that look so many times that I can see that out of anyone. 

'I would take away the Alpha, Beta, Omega rule. I would make everyone like each other. Equal.' I answer the question honestly. It always bothered me that an Alpha should be treated with respect and that an Omega was allowed to be treated like dirt. I never treated an Omega Like dirt. 'Alright, Harry, truth or dare?' I ask him with a sweet smile. I only use that smile for Harry.

'Uhm... truth?' He asks looking insecurely at me. Now I got to think of a question. And not a dirty question. The last part is probably the hardest. 

'If you could change in any other person, who would you change to?' 

'You.' Is his reply and he immediately looks at the ground, but not before I saw that his cheeks turned red. The other boys wolf-whistle slightly. 'Uhm.. Truth or dare, Zayn?' He asks still looking at the ground.

'Dare, There got to be some more action in this game.' Zayn says with some sort of dirty smile. Harry looks a bit helpless at me, probably not knowing what to do or say now. 

'uh... ' He says looking around him. 'Run 3 laps around the couch?' He ask after a while still looking insecurely. Zayn groans in response. He hates exercising. He stands up though and does what he was told before he goes to sit back at the circle we are sitting in on the ground. 

'It wasn't that hard was it?' I say teasing him. He just murmurs something under his breath and glares shortly at me. 

'Liam, Truth or dare?' Zayn says, not reacting to my question at all.

'Dare.' Liam responses immediately. 

'Swap three items of clothing with the person on your left.' Zayn replies. I bet he has a full book in his head that says best truths and dares. On Liam's left is Niall and swapping clothes wouldn't be a problem for them if they were about the same length. Problem: Niall is a lot smaller than Liam and Niall wears a lot of Liam's clothes in daily life. This time, he wears something of his own though. The boys are smart though when they change their socks. That was two now number three. Niall pulls of his shirt, which is tightly fit around his body. Liam also pulls of his shirt and gives it to Niall. Niall easily puts on the shirt while Liam looks like he's wrestling with it. 

At some point he gives up trying though 'Can I leave it at this? Jesus, Niall, have you always worn such tight clothes? I can't remember that.' I can help but laugh at that comment. Liam rolls his eyes at me but doesn't say anything more. We all silently agree that Liam can stay like that and doesn't need to wrestle any further. 'Harry, truth or dare?'

'Truth.' He mumbles again, this time sounding less unsure about it. 

Now it's Liam who gets a smirk around his lips. Liam sits next to me so I smack his head sending him a look that says not to do anything. Harry looks at the interaction between us a bit confused but doesn't say anything about it.

'Have you ever kissed someone?' Liam asks Harry and okay, I can't hate him for that question as I get curious about it. And jealous if someone had already kissed those lips. They look really kissable though. Harry makes it worse by licking his lips as the question is asked, that may or may not turn me on slightly. 

'No.' Harry answers and I honestly want to do a victory dance right now but that would look a bit weird wouldn't it? 'Eh... Niall truth or dare?'

We play on like that for a while until we, mostly Niall, decide it's time for some lunch. Liam goes to prepare some food and Niall and Zayn leave to go upstairs for a bit, leaving me and Harry alone in the living room. Now I can't help but let two thoughts bother me. Especially after Liam's question one thing has been haunting me.

'Haven't you ever been curious what it's like to kiss someone?' I ask him my curiosity taking over. He looks at me with those emerald green eyes of him.

'A bit.' Harry admits. I move closer to him, he doesn't move back luckily.

I lean forward towards his ear, he still doesn't move away. 'Want me to teach you?' I ask in a sort of seductive way. I see Harry gulp one time before he hesitantly nods. I move towards his lips looking him in the eyes, seeing that he's looking a bit scared. 'Don't worry.' I say before I close my eyes and the distance between us. I feel his incredible soft lips on mine. It feels amazing and I felt some sort of shock going through us when our lips touched. I slowly move my lips against him and after some time he is moving his lips too, a bit unsure but it feels so good that I got to make sure I don't moan. I don't want to scare him of.

After some time I lean back, neither of us felt the need to deepen the kiss. Not sure if Harry knows what that is either. Harry's eyes flutter open, apparently he closed them as well once we were kissing. He smiles at me 'Thank you.' I smile at him as well.

'You don't need to thank me you know. I am happy that I could be your first.'

Suddenly I hear a door opening and I am reminded that there are more people on earth besides us. Wow, I never though I would ever feel like this. I am even more sure that I am in love.


I am in love with Harry Styles.

I'm still not weak (Sequel to 'I'm not weak') - LarryWhere stories live. Discover now