Chapter 14

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Louis POV

I woke up from the sheets moving. First I ignored it, thinking it was nothing until I heard a door being thrown closed. My eyebrows furrowed as I opened my eyes and took in the room before sitting up. It took me a minute to realize that Harry wasn't lying next to me, but that the sheets on his side looked like they had been hastily thrown off. 

Not wasting anymore time, I walked out of the room were I saw that the light in the bathroom was on and I heard sounds that sounded like someone was throwing up. I sprinted to the bathroom and the sight in front of me broke my heart a little.

In front of me was Harry throwing up and it looked like it really hurts. The last thing I want for my mate is for him to be in pain and with him being pregnant I knew that he would get into loads of pain. Even more than just the throwing up. 

When Harry kept throwing up I walked over to the faucet and wet a washing cloth with some cold water and knelt beside Harry, wrapping my free arm around him as I softly placed the wet washing cloth on his forehead. I ignored the smell of puke coming from the toilet instead I just flushed it once I was sure Harry was done throwing up. 

'Are you alright?' I ask Harry, who has tears in his eyes signalling that it's probably a stupid question. Harry shortly shakes his head before he hides his head in the crook of my neck. I removed the washing cloth from his forehead instead wrapping both of my arms around him, which he does as well around me a few seconds.

'I'm sorry, Louis.' I hear Harry whisper softly, not sure if I was really meant to hear it actually. 

'Why are you sorry, love? As far as I'm concerned you've done not a single thing wrong.' I ask him stroking through his curls. I don't know how he does it but they're always so soft, like they're freshly dried even though he just woke up. 

'I just don't know how to handle all of this. I'm scared of what might happen in the future.' He replies, trying to pull away afterwards but I don't let him, instead I tighten my grip on him a little, making sure I don't hurt him. 

'I don't know what will happen either, but like I said before. I won't leave you. We'll be in this together.' I finish with a small kiss on his forehead and when I look at him again I see a small smile on his face. 

'But what will happen when we return to London? To the escapers place? I know how they think of people like us, Louis. I know how your father thought of people like us.' Harry shakes his head as he looks into my eyes again. 'And what if you take over the leaders place? That's the kind of future I'm the most scared of.' Harry confesses.

A sigh escapes my lips before I lean my head back against the bathroom tiles. They're cold as they are in most bathrooms. 'I wish I knew the answers to those questions as well. The only I know for sure is that we're going to find that man in the Three Horse Man café, who hopefully can give us a few answers. Maybe not everything, but I just want to know as badly as you do and I think we all got to the point where we all want to know even just a small percentage of what happened.' Not really sure if what I said made any sense at all but Harry nodded anyways. 

We sat there on the floor for a while before we stood up and without saying anything else we started out morning routines. 

Once I was finished I walked downstairs where I found Liam in the kitchen cooking pancakes. 'What did we do to deserve pancakes made by the Liam Payne?' I ask taking a seat on one of the bar-stools. Liam makes the best pancakes in the world and I'm not just saying that because I can't make them myself at all. I can't make anything for that matter. 

'Not a reason actually. Well, I could barely sleep at all, woke up early, though I am sure I heard you and Harry talk when I woke up and well we're all a little stressed so a nice breakfast is always nice isn't it?' Liam says shrugging a bit before he turns off the gas and walks over to sit opposite of me. 'I heard Harry throw up, is he alright?' 

'Not completely, he's extremely stressed and worried about what might happen in the future when we go back to London.' I reply and Liam nods shortly.

'You think he can hold down breakfast? Niall is also not doing too well, he was talking in his sleep last night. He never talks in his sleep unless something is really bothering him.' Liam says. I've slept a few times at Niall's before and I have never ever heard him talk in his sleep before so the information Liam gives me is new for me. 

'Not sure if Harry can hold down breakfast. I hope he can, if he keeps throwing up so much he will become a walking twig! Besides I'm already worrying about how much he weighs, need to figure a way out to get to know that...' I mumble the last part a bit to myself. 'But what with Niall? Have you talked to him about it yet?' 

Liam shakes his head before he stands up and goes back to the cooking island. A little time later I hear the stairs crack signalling someone is coming down. A few minutes later Zayn, Niall and Harry appear, which means I should have said someones. 

'Goodmorning.' I say, pretending to be my cheerful self. I fail massively as all the boys give me a strange look, well except Harry. He just walks over to me and takes the place next to me. 

This is going to be a long day... 

Not the best and a little bit of a filler. Next two chapters will be more interesting though and they will be the last ones!!! 

:) xx

I'm still not weak (Sequel to 'I'm not weak') - LarryWhere stories live. Discover now