Chapter 10

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A/N Kind of decided myself since I got a new idea which I really wanted to put into this story. A warning at the beginning: This is Mature Content, if you don't like reading than skip this.

Louis POV

With one arm around his waist I help Harry upstairs, his legs are a bit unstable, but he can walk perfectly fine. Now I know I'm not a creature that can change into an animal that walks on four paws but that we just have 'the werewolf effect', makes me actually feeling a lot better. That and Harry smells incredible right now.

Once we reach the first floor I lead Harry to our shared bedroom. He lays down on the bed immediately and looks up to me with questioning eyes. I am back at the point where I can't read people, I haven't got a clue what he wants. Does he want me to help him or to leave him alone?

'Harry, last chance. Do you want me to leave?' I ask him to be sure about what he wants. He frantically shakes his head in response.

'No Louis, please! I need you. You're the only one... The only one I trust to...' He says it clearly to me before he looks down and whispers 'To help me in every way.' 

Those are all the words I needed to hear as I now crawl on the bed and hover over him. He still looks down though, so I lift his chin up and don't waste a second to connect our lips. His lips are so soft and his mouth tastes like those strawberry-mint sweets. His smell though, it's like roses and pineapples, my favorite scent in the world. 

'You smell incredible, you know.' I say aroused only by the smell of him. Underneath me Harry squirms, which I guess means he started leaking. I lick my lips only thinking about that delicious liquid streaming out of Harry's gorgeous body. 

'It's-It's so hot in here.' Harry says sounding breathless. To give him some relief, I remove his T-shirt and look down at the delicate skin that's being revealed now. Harry is definitely not the thickest person in the world and without any clothing covering his chest I can clearly see his outlined six-pack. Near the waistband of his boxers there are four angry red scars. I trail my hands over his six-pack first before I move down to the scars. I decide not to ask about it now and to concentrate on Harry, who's trousers are now a little soaked. 

I don't waste anymore time now as I make quick work of getting him completely naked, I look him in the eyes when I remove his boxers and this time I can read in his eyes that he's anxious. To get his nerves to calm down, I kiss him once more before looking down at his throbbing erection. I kiss it softly, an action that shows I'm pleased with him. Instead of doing a lot of for play, I decide to just give him some relief and I enter a finger in him, properly prepping him seeing as it's his first time.

Harry lets out a moan at the contact and his muscles tense around my fingers. I move my finger around through his slick and then remove it. I can't help myself, I really want to taste him. I lean down and lick up the slick coming from his rim. A loud gasp followed by a moan is my reward. I keep licking around his rim, which started to get slicker with my movements, before my tongue enters him. I make sure to lick up most of the slick and to prep him so I don't need to use my fingers anymore. 

Apparently I'm doing something good as I feel Harry's muscles tense even more before he lets loose, signalling that he came. I move my head out from between his legs and look at him. He's a panting mess, with his stomach covered with come. 'You alright?' I ask him, not taking any chance in hurting him. 

When he can breathe completely fine again he nods 'Really need you to knot me though, Louis. Please, knot me.' The last part he says in a half moan as I moved to line myself up against his rim. 

'You're one hundred percent sure about this?' I ask him once more and he nods eagerly so I give him what he once as I enter him carefully, still not wanting to hurt him after everything he's already bee through. 'Got Harry you feel so good!' I moan as I feel his tight heat around me. 

After letting him adjust a moment, I let all my guards down, every muscle that was holding me still and start to fuck him like I wanted to do once I smelled his arousal for the first time. I think Harry likes this as well, judging by the sounds that he's making. 

I'm sure about that once I hit his prostate and he comes with a scream of my name so loud that they can probably hear him two streets away. 

As I keep slamming back into him, I feel my knot starting to form at the base of my knot. I had seen it happen before, when I had been wanking at home. But I never knotted anybody so this was a whole different feeling. A good different. 

With all willpower in me I ask the question that goes in against all my instincts. 'Harry, last chance. In or out?' 

'Please knot me! Make me yours?' Harry says the last part like a question and when I look up in those emerald, lust filled eyes I have decided that it's in as my knot pops and glues us together for the next few hours. To fulfill Harry's last question, I bite in his exposed neck drawing a bit of blood, which makes our bond official. 

I move us around with as less movement as possible, making me laying down on my back with Harry on top of me. We're both breathing heavily and just laying in silence. 

To my surprise Harry is the first one to speak up, his head still laying on my chest on the place of my heart. 'Thank you, Louis.'

'Why do you thank me, love?' I ask him surprised and I start to stroke lazily through is hair. How much I would love doing this over and over again, I have to admit it worn me out a little. I should be fine for another round in like a hour though. 

'For everything really. I love you.' Harry slams one hand in front of his mouth after he said that and looks up at me. 'S-sorry, I didn't mean to tell you that.' He says with tears in his eyes. 'I get it if you want to break the bond now. I shouldn't be so stupid. I-' I shut him up with the most effected way I could think of right now. My lips.

'You are cute when you ramble and you should know that I've never done this before with anyone, because I wanted to do this with someone I loved and guess what, Harry? I have now.' I say with a soft smile and twinkling eyes. Harry looks at me a little confused but before he can speak up I clarify myself. 'I love you too.' 

We both get an enormous wide grin on our faces and our lips meet in the middle. If I said before that I had had the best kiss, I'll take that back, cause now I'm kissing not only the boy I'm in love with, no, I'm also kissing my mate and the boy who loves me back.

I'm still not weak (Sequel to 'I'm not weak') - LarryWhere stories live. Discover now