Chapter 5

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Louis POV

Niall walks into the room with something that looks like a plastic dick. I raise my eyebrows looking at that thing. 

'How should we know? Where did you find that anyways?' I ask him and he shrugs.

'It was in our drawer.'

'SLAM!' I hear from beside me and I look to the place where once Harry was seated but now his chair is on the ground and he is no where to be seen. I immediately stand up, breakfast was finished anyways. I quickly walk out of the room, looking around and than decide to check out shared bedroom. I open the door and I find Harry hiding under the covers. I keep standing in the doorway.

Keeping my voice soft I speak up 'Harry? Are you alright?' I see the covers move and I hear a slight whimper coming from underneath it, other than that I don't get any response. I carefully make my way over to him, trying not to scare him of. 'Hazza, what's wrong?' I ask as I take a seat on the bed next to where he is hidden under the covers. At my words though he peeks up from under the covers.

'I- Sorry.' He mumbles biting his lip. I decide not to say anything, instead I go lay on the bed waiting for him to say or do something. After a few minutes of silence he hesitantly comes from underneath the covers and goes to lay beside me, leaving little space in between so no parts of our bodies are touching. 'It was a vibrator.' Harry whispers so quietly that I almost didn't hear him.

'A what? What is that- wait how do you know that?' I ask confused looking at Harry who's shivering, even though he still has some of the covers around him and is fully dressed. It's actually very warm in the room.

'It's- It's used for pleasure? Most of the time at least and... I have seen it before.' Harry says still shivering. I know enough and take him in my arms. Whatever happened with that thing it brought back some bad memories. I think some memories I don't know about yet. Harry lets out a sigh again. 'I know how they do it.' He speaks up after some time, still in my arms, by now he has his arms around me too.

'What do you mean, Hazza?' Deciding to use his nickname again, it worked the last time to make him come from under the covers.

'I know how they make electricity.' He states.

'WHAT?!' We hear three voices say from behind the door. Curious eavesdropping boys. Harry shifts uncomfortably and I let out a sign mentally murdering the boys for making him uncomfortable.

'Okay boys, It's clear we can't get any privacy come in now.' I growl at the door that soon swings open showing us Niall, Liam and Zayn who are now shyly smiling, like they didn't just scream a 'What?!' That could be heard 5 houses down the road. Okay I am exaggerating, 4 houses down the road.

'Is that true, Harry? You know how they make electricity?' Zayn ask in a calm voice, all three of the boys standing at the end of the bed while I am still cuddled up with Harry.

Harry nods biting his lip 'I should tell how right? How I know?'

'You don't need to tell us anything you don't feel comfortable with.' I state kissing his forehead.

'Well-' Niall interrupts but Liam is quickly to put a hand in front of him mouth so his next words are muffled. I also hear Zayn mumbling something to me that sounds a lot like 'Whipped' but he's smiling at us nonetheless. 

'Thunder is loaded with electricity. At the latest place I have been they found a way to put it into working again by capturing the energy of thunder. Only they didn't use it in good ways... They used it in the first place to... make batteries. But those batteries they used to put into... that.' He says shivering while pointing at the vibrator still in Niall's hands. 'Then they used it...but not on themselves.' He finishes hiding his face in my chest again before I hear sobs escaping from him. 

It's not difficult to put one and one together and to figure out that they used the vibrator on Harry, or I guess in Harry. I hold him tight, not daring to let him go. I wish I had never lost him in the first place, I have always wished that. That I would wake up with him lying next to me. As long as I can remember as the topic 'mate' comes on than a picture of Harry is in my head. I never told anyone that, who knows what they would think? Especially my dad, he would laugh at me, probably hit me to get some sense into me. A future leader and a gay one. People would only laugh at that but it's true, I am. The boys know, Harry knows that I wouldn't mind mating to him, hell that's the thing I thought I could only dream of but still, no one knows what exactly are my feelings towards this boy in my arms. Where he belongs, if you would ask me. He belongs in my arms. 'It's alright, Hazza, It's gone. I'm here you're safe.' I whisper into his ear. 

'I-It w-w-was horrible, Louis.' He sniffles still hiding his face into my shirt. 'D-does that m-mean I'm not a v-vir-virgin anymore?' He asks a few moments later looking up at me with tears in his eyes.

I shake my head immediately 'You're not a virgin if you had sex with someone and it felt good. If it didn't feel good than your still a virgin. Especially you should feel good. And that weird plastic thing won't take your virginity.' I hope I could do that one time. The last part I obviously didn't say out loud.

'Thank you, Lou.' He says still letting some tears fall but not as much as a few moments prior. 

'Shall we go downstairs? If you two are up for it, than maybe we should find out some things about each other in a game of truth or dare? We won't make it too... you know...' Liam says trailing of. I think I get what he means.

'We'll come around if you would give us a moment?' I ask him, in other words I am sending them away. Liam nods and the three boys leave the room. I am only satisfied when I hear footsteps walking down the stairs. I turn back to Harry. 'You should really feel good about yourself you know.'

Harry shrugs his head still resting on my chest 'I feel good with you.'

A thought I can't let pass comes in my head and a smirk comes around my lips as I whisper 'I hope once I can make you feel good all the way.'

And I don't miss how Harry's body gets hotter a second before he's blushing madly looking up at me his bottom lip between his teeth as he replies 'I hope so too.' 

I'm still not weak (Sequel to 'I'm not weak') - LarryWhere stories live. Discover now