Chapter 2

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Louis POV

I slam the car-door shut behind me. I walk over to the back of the car and open it. I pick up two of the bags that were in there and seconds later, Liam appears behind me and takes the remaining bags. I close the trunk of the car. 

Harry walks up to me, looking more awake than he has for days if I am honest. 'I think you forgot these.' He says while handing me the keys. 

'Yes, Thanks Haz.' I have started calling Harry his old nickname again. He still calls me Louis, sometimes Lou but he doesn't dare to use the name he called me when we were younger. When we were younger he used to call me boobear after he heard my mum say it once to me. I always found it annoying when my mum called me that, but when Harry did it I never minded for some reason.

Harry smiles at me by the mention of his nickname. 'Uhm.. where do we go to now?' I shrug and look at Liam who has the map. 

'Well, once you have locked the car, we are going east, it will be around two miles walking if we walk in the good direction.' He answers. By now Niall and Zayn have came out of the car as well. I quickly lock the car and we all leave in the direction Liam mentioned. Liam up front with Niall, Zayn following close behind them and me and Harry walking a bit behind them.

Once I am sure the other boys can't hear us I ask 'Are you alright? Please be honest with me, Harry. I'm worried about you and I promised your mother I would keep you safe.'

Harry is quiet for a moment and fumbles with something in his pocket biting his lip 'I am okay.' He lets out a sigh and looks a head to the boys walking in front of us, paying no attention to us at all. 

'Are you sure? You looked extremely pale the last few days, your skin felt cold and you slept like 99% of the day. Not to mention you barely ate. Harry what's going on.' I use a slight Alpha tone in my voice and It scares Harry. I immediately regret using it, but I am surprised when Harry gets something out of his pocket with a shaking hand, I definitely scared him. He hands it quietly to me.

'I used this to stop going in heat. It worked but the side-effects are that you get really tired and that you can get sick easily.' He explains. I now notice that it's some sort of medication, It looks a bit like an aspirin. 

'How did you get these?' I ask looking at the medication in wonder. I had seen them somewhere before, but I can't remember where.

'In London. Remember I told you that I stayed with this family? Well there I went in heat for the first time. I was really scared cause it was two days before that I was supposed to leave. One of the girls in the house gave me three of those packages for if I felt like going into heat when I didn't want to, I could use them. Two of those packages are empty now, these are the only ones I have left.' Harry explains quietly. I hand them back to him before taken him in my arms. Because I had been the one driving I hadn't been able to do that in days. 

'Harry, I know those things, they're really bad for you. Those medicines are fine for a short while but you're using them for like 5 years now, that's really bad. Please stop using them, we wouldn't have done something you wouldn't want you know.' I say quietly to him. Now I remember where I had seen them before. Those medicines had been in my mothers medicine cabinet, she said that they were really bad for you but If her mate, in other words my dad, would do things to her that she didn't want during heat, than she would use one to prevent the heat from coming. She never told me about side-effects though.

I hear Harry sob and rub his back while speaking softly in his ear. Between his cries he says 'I am just scared, Louis. I- I trust you but you're not the only Alpha here...' And even though he's okay with Liam, I know he's still scared of him after what Liam's dad did to him. That will take a long time to heal. I let Harry cry and only pull away when I am sure all his tears are shred. I catch one of the last tears with my thumb and smile softly at him. 

'Why do you trust me?' I ask in wonder. 'I am an alpha too, you know. Worse even, I am supposed to become the leading Alpha.'

Harry shakes his head 'You're not like other Alpha's. You threat people right, never force someone to do something for you. I know I should trust Liam, but every time I look at him, he still reminds me of his dad.. I am sorry, Louis.' We both start walking again, this time I have my arm around his waist, slowly guiding him in the direction I last saw the other boys walk. 

'You've nothing to be sorry for. I know it will take some time getting used to Liam, but you can trust me, He's a good guy. But even a good guy can have his bad side and Liam's bad side is his dad.' I say to him.  Harry nods and I change the topic, knowing he doesn't want to talk about it anymore 'Have you been to Manchester before?'

Harry shakes his head 'No, only my mother, but she only went there when she visited her sister when I was around a year of seven.'

'They don't have Alpha, Omega, Beta there, you mother told me. Everyone is equal over there.' I wonder how that must be. I know it was a stupid injection that had been given in 2001 to everyone. Some people turned Alpha, some Omega and some Beta. I wasn't born back then, I have been born in London. That's how I got injected in the first place, every new born child needed to get an injection. I frown I know Harry has been born in the 'Escapers' camp, so how did he get injected? I voice my thoughts 'Hey Harry, How did you become an Omega?'

'Injection, just like you.' 

'But how? People born in the camp don't get injected as far as I know.'

Harry nods 'Most don't, boys do. I bet your sisters are 'Beta's', that means they didn't get an injection.'

'How do you know?'

'Mum told me once before I... was kidnapped.' Harry says with a sigh. 

Apparently we had now walked the two miles, cause we reached a sign saying 'Welcome in Manchester'. Liam, Zayn and Niall were sitting on the ground in front of it. 

'There are the slow ones! Finally, we thought you were lost.' Zayn says standing up getting the dirt of his trousers. Liam and Niall following his lead. 

'Let's go and explore Manchester.' Liam says with a smile and then turns to Harry 'You look better than in the car, Harry. You okay?' Harry nods and this time I believe him. He really looks better, now I know why he didn't feel good in the first place. Hopefully I can make him stop using those stupid pills.

'Liam, I think you meant let's go look for food. I am starving! I only head breakfast and it's like..' Niall says and looks at me for the time.

'10.30' I answer 'We last had food at 8.45.' Well everyone except me, Harry ate a bit of the apple and gave the remaining to Niall, who had eaten the most out of all of us for the last few days.

'Like I said we haven't eaten in ages so let's go and look for food.' Nial says walking in to Manchester. None of us complained and we all followed Niall in to the city.

Not knowing how different this was from London yet.

I'm still not weak (Sequel to 'I'm not weak') - LarryWhere stories live. Discover now