Chapter 4

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Louis POV

Sometime soon after I heard Harry said that he felt safe around me I fell asleep. I actually slept well, mostly I needed to wake up at like 6 am for a meet with my dad or I was woken up at 7 am by the twins. I can only hope everyone is okay. Also the last few days I haven't slept much in the car either. When I look to my right side I can't help but let a smile make it's way to my face. Harry looks cute when he's asleep. 

My moment staring at Harry get interrupted though by Niall storming into the room, the door flying against the wall making Harry sit straight in his bed wide awake in a second. I would have to if I wasn't already sitting up and awake.

'Niall, What's going on?' I ask, a normal person wouldn't come into the room like that. But than again none of the people I know are normal. Neither am I.

'Sorry! I thought you were already awake! Liam wanted to look at the map and you took it with you yesterday.' Niall says walking over to my nightstand were indeed the map is laying on top. 'Sorry to wake you two up. What time is is actually, Louis?' 

I open the drawer and pick my watch out of it, my eyes widen as I see it's already 11 am. 'Wow! It's 11 am. I don't think I have ever slept this long.'

Niall shrugs 'Guess you were tired than.' and with that he is out of the door, probably looking for Liam. 

'I thought there was something wrong, I heard a bang and thought something or someone had fallen down the stairs or something, but now it's just our wake up call.' Harry mutters next to me, clearly just awake by hearing his voice. I can't help but laugh at him.

'Good morning, Harry! Have you slept well until you were woken up by our Irish charming boy Niall James Horan?' I say still laughing. Harry glares shortly at me but the moment he does that, his eyes widen and he is apologizing for not respecting an alpha. There has happened something else to Harry that he won't tell me yet. I wonder what that could be.

'Harry, Harry, Relax. You don't have to treat me different because I am an alpha, we're equal in my eyes.' I say and Harry shuts up again looking down to the sheets, I see tears prickling in his eyes.

'S-sorry.' He says again quietly. I don't waste a moment and take him in my arms immediately, shushing him quietly.

'What happened to you?' I mumble more to myself, but I think Harry heard. If he did he ignored it. We stay like that for some time, just Harry in my arms not saying anything. It's not necessary, we just need each other, maybe even more than we are aware of yet. Our moment gets interrupted by Harry's stomach making noises meaning it's craving for food. Harry blushes a deep red color at the sound. I chuckle and let him out of my arms

'Seems like someone is hungry. No worries, I would like some food in my stomach.' I say honestly. With that we are both looking for some other clothes through our bags, I decide for some simple grey sweatpants and a plain black shirt. I change in the room while Harry walks away with his head down not looking at me. I know why, he's scared of alpha's. I understand, I would probably react the same or worse, people have said to me that I am a bit of a drama queen.

I find Harry again walking out of what I assume is a bathroom and together we walk down the stairs to the kitchen.

'So Niall, do we have some food left or is everything already in your stomach?' I ask cheekily as we walk into the kitchen. Niall sticks his tongue out at me.

'Well, well, It looks like those two have finally decided that it was time to get their lazy asses out of bed.' Zayn smirks at me.

'For you to say! If there was a meeting in the tree house you were almost always the one that came by late cause you were napping.' I reply back walking over to the fridge, another thing we didn't have. I have learned that it's meant to keep food cold. Let's check if that worked. I take out some food and it's indeed cold. Liam takes the food over of me though.

'I have experience with you cooking. Let me do that for you.' Liam says.

'The only reason you do that is because you don't want to get the kitchen burned down.' I say.

'You burned a kitchen down?' Harry asks from across the room. He had now taken a seat opposite from Niall, with one seat in between him and Zayn. 

'Almost.' Niall and Liam say at the same time.

Zayn grins 'You need to hear this, Niall and Liam had just mated and me and Louis had decided to surprise them with some breakfast. Louis was only in charge of making tea and He burned the pan while cooking water. If I hadn't seen it happen, than the rest of the kitchen would have gone up in flames. I seriously didn't even know it was possible to burn water.'

I groan 'Is it telling embarrassing stories of your best mates day or something?' That causes Harry to giggle. Have I said before that he's cute? Now I have.

Liam walks over to the table with some cooked food on two separate plates. One for me and one for Harry. I take the seat between Harry and Zayn. 'Tea or Coffee, Harry?' Liam asks handing me a cup of tea. Two sugars no milk, he knows how I drink my tea.

'Tea please. No sugar, no milk.' Harry replies. Niall and I look at him weirdly

'How can you drink tea with no sugar?' I ask him. 'That should be impossible!'

'Always have, well when I was with my mum I had one sugar but when... I just didn't anymore.' he gulps, he hasn't told the others anything yet. Hell the only person he told something is me. Liam knows thing cause he was involved. Well Niall and Zayn were told about what Liam had seen and that he took him to a safe place but they don't know anything from Harry's point of view.

I nod simply, bit lost in my thoughts. I look up though when I hear Liam yell.

'What the hell is this?!' 

I'm still not weak (Sequel to 'I'm not weak') - LarryWhere stories live. Discover now