Chapter 9

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Louis POV

As soon as Harry says that my eyes widen and I look back at the woman, Harry's aunt. She looks a bit shell-shocked at Harry's words. Now I know, I see the resemble of the picture in Harry's living room. Though the boys were right. It looks like she hasn't aged.

'Y-you're Anne's son?!' I hear her ask in a less creepy voice. Harry, who looks a bit sleepy, nods. 'But that changes everything!' She suddenly exclaims. 'Can we go to your place now?' 

We all nod and start walking after I helped Harry to stand on his feet, he's standing a bit shaky so I keep an arm around him as support while we walk to our temporally home. 

When we reach it we walk straight over to the living room, Harry's aunt and the strange boy who can change into a freaking werewolf and bit both me and Harry, following us. They take place on the two-sits couch while we take place on the bigger couch, Harry sitting in my lap and Niall half on Zayn, half on Liam. Mostly on Liam obviously.

'Explain.' Is the only word that Liam says in an emotionless tone. 

She starts talking. 'I was wrong. Harry and Louis aren't like I thought they were. They have the werewolf-effect.'

She's about to tell us more as I interrupt her. 'The werewolf-effect? What's that?'

'I was about to explain that.' She mumbles to me, with my better hearing I can understand her clearly. 'The werewolf effect is a temporary effect, it's for about a week. To say it simple, you have like all the advantages of a werewolf, think about speed, strength, hearing, seeing and smelling as developed as the one of a werewolf. What I have mistaken you from, is that I thought you were a full werewolf, which you aren't.'

Harry is opening and closing his mouth like he wants to say something but either doesn't know how or is scared to say. To encourage him, I wrap my arms around him and nuzzle me face in his neck. He's smelling really sweet, like dandelions and sunflowers. Really sweet smell. It's more persistent that normally, which is strange cause the only time I could smell him like this is when he was going into heat. But it's almost impossible for him to go into heat, except if something made him go into an early heat...

Harry does speak up, it's barely a whisper but I understand him 'I don't feel any of those things. If anything I feel worse than before.' As he says that I know exactly why he didn't say anything. Harry hates talking about his feelings. Every time me or any of the other boys ask how he's feeling he just shrugs, not really replying. I always push him a bit to tell him what's going on and one time this week he told me he doesn't like to talk about his feelings. 

'I was more talking about Louis, seeing as he's an Alpha he will feel more of it.' Harry's aunt explains and than scans over Harry with her eyes. Her eyes get a look of realization in them. I blame me being better at reading other people on the werewolf effect. 'You're an Omega aren't you, Harry?' Harry nods shyly in response. 'That explains why you don't feel anything. An Omega werewolf is weaker than a Human, which means that through the bite you got the effect of an Omega werewolf, which means that instead of better, you got every thing slightly worse than before.' She bites her lip, like she's holding something back. 

I apparently wasn't the only one who noticed as Zayn speaks up. 'Tell us.' Both Liam and Zayn have always been better at sensing things than I am. 

'Well, when an Omega is just turned, cause an omega will feel the effects of being an werewolf after just being turned, it goes into heat.'

That gives me the explanation for his smell. Harry's face has turned a shade lighter now, his eyes wide, he's scared. I just hold him tighter, grabbing his hand to give it a comforting squeeze. 

Harry's aunt sees the interaction as she comments on it, 'Are you two mated?' her comment confuses me a bit, but than again the other boys do say that we look like we are mated as well. 

'No only me and Liam are.' Niall speaks up from his spot, he has completely over to Liam's lap by now. 'Zayn is also mated, but his mate is back in London.' 

Zayn's face falls slightly at that mention. He definitely misses his mate, who I have forget the name of again. I really hope we can meet her when we go back to London.

'So you two are both unmated?' She asks us, wonder clear in her voice. Both me and Harry nod in response. 'Interesting.' I hear her mumble under her breath. I need to say, this better hearing thing has some advantages.

'Do you know anything about what's happening in London?' I ask her. 

To my displeasure she shakes her head. 'No, I know about the Alpha, Omega, Beta thing but that's the only thing I know about London. The thing about London is that no one is allowed to talk about it, rules of the government. I don't know exactly why. They won't tell us what happened to London either. Every body in the whole world knows that you shouldn't go to the south of Great Britain. Most people here call it off as dangerous, but no one know exactly what's going on. Well, there is one man in town who may be able to help you. I don't know his name, but he is the only one  that knows about the south of Great Britain. You should try and look for him.'

'How could we find him?' Liam asks, as smart as he always is. He's the one that says the most logically things and thinks of things we would never think of.

'You can find him in the local cafe every Wednesday. It's about 6 streets away from here. Look for a sign that says 'Three Horse Man.' You should definitely be able to find him there.' She says before she looks down to her watch. It must be a working one, like everything seems to be working here. 'Time flies! We have to go now, but here.' She gives me a strange looking thing with one big button in the middle. When I carefully press the button the screen lights up, showing me four neon red numbers. 'That's an IPhone. I can come in touch with you with that thing. If my name lights up on the screen, than just press the green thing that will appear in your screen. We really got to go now, so goodbye boys!' With that she's out of the door, leaving us alone with yet another strange thing in our hands.

I know a few things for sure. We'll need to talk to that man at the cafe, but first there is an Omega in my lap who's skin is feeling a lot hotter than before and who I'll gladly help through his heat.


Please tell me if you want or if you don't want smut in this story. I won't continue if I don't get at least someone saying if they want or if they don't want. Sorry if that sounds a bit mean but I really need and want to know what you guys want to read. 

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and hopefully someone will reply!

:) xx

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