Chapter 15

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Louis POV

The day turned into the evening sooner than either of us thought. Soon, we were all anxiously walking towards the café. It looked like it was still closed even though it was already nine PM. There was no light shining through the window and to make it worse the lantern in front of the café didn't seem to work. 

We all shared a look before we pushed the door open and walked in. Niall with Liam first, followed by Zayn and me and Harry last, I had my arm wrapped around Harry's waist, keeping him close to me. 

Inside of the café it didn't seem much better than on the outside. There were a few dim lights turned on above the bar, where no one was standing behind. Once we walked a few steps away from the door and the door slammed closed behind me, someone turned up.

'And what are you doing here?' An ice cold voice spoke up from one of the previously empty bar-stools. The man had a bottle in his hand which was unmistakable filled with alcohol. His appearance was a little strange in my opinion, nonetheless I decided that maybe he could help us.

'We were sent here when we started asking about London.' It was all that needed to be said. The mans eyes widened and he put the bottle away and motioned for us to come closer. We took a few steps forward and then we stood up and locked the door behind us. 

'Okay, I'll tell you what I know but no one is allowed to really talk about it and most people pretend or really don't know.' The man said and Liam and Niall took the two empty bar-stools next to him, while Zayn, Harry and I kept standing, my arm still around Harry's waist. The man looked directly at me and Harry and he got a smirk on his face before he sniffled the air. An action I couldn't place. 'It smells here like someone is pregnant.' The statement made Harry curl further into my body and my grip on him to tighten.

'How can you possibly know that?' Liam spoke up from behind him, his hand has found Niall at some point while they sat down as I see Niall squeeze Liam's hand for a second. 

'I'm from London of course! I could escape London and found a highway which let me to Manchester. I'm an Alpha and an Alpha can smell a pregnant Omega within a mile.' He explained. I believed him as I could smell the faint change in Harry's smell as well. 

'What do you know about London? Everyone around here acts like it doesn't exist.' Zayn states. The view people we did spoke had all looked really strange in our direction or thought we were talking about a new found land or something. 

'That's because the rebels made sure no one knows about it. They control it, London is their place. From that place they want to take over all of the United Kingdom. They failed so far, but they did make everyone believe that the south of Great Britain is unlivable and that London is gone cause the river the Thames got over it's boundaries and made London fade away. Everyone who isn't from London believes it's some myth, that it doesn't exist. Nobody knows what's really going on there with the Alpha/Beta/Omega thing.' He explains.

'Why did people want to be ranked like that anyways? What does it matter?' I asked. He was about to reply when I remembered something and spoke up again. 'Wait a second, the Thames did went out of it's boundaries and there were a lot of houses destroyed, under which the one of the mayor. There was a huge chaos in London that's the only way the rebels were able to take over and make everyone do what they said they should do.' 

'Very well, you did your history homework.' The man jokes but I don't find it funny at all. The boys look strangely at me but I just wave them off with my hand. 'And the Alpha/Beta/Omega ranking went a little wrong, mister Alpha. If it had went the right way, everyone who lived in London would be an Omega and would have to please the Alpha's or in other words the rebels. But from a group of protesters who had found out about the plans made the tubes switch up to make a lot of people Alpha and Beta instead of everyone Omega. The rebels got some of the Omega tubes which made them turn submissive but some of them still got the Alpha tubes which made them able to still take the lead, but not the complete lead they wanted.' 

'But the Thames was gone over the boundaries on purpose.' Liam spoke up earning our complete attention with that sentence. 'Their were about thousand submarines to make the water higher and make it go over it's boundaries. The rebels planned that so they could take over and the rebels who turned out into Omega's were obligated to start working in factories. I never really found out what they were making in the factories but it had something to do with electricity.'

'And you never told us that before, because...?' Zayn asked shock was written over his face. I knew about what had happened with the Thames because my mother had told me. She had called one of the 'sick' acts of the rebels, though I never knew it was on purpose. 

'I didn't really remember. My dad had told me when he took me around there one hundred percent convinced I would take over his job but I never did. I want to forget every single thing that has to do with him and the rebels.' Liam explained and we all simply nodded in understanding. If I were Liam I would want to do the exact same. 

'But tell me, you're from London, obviously, so what are you doing here?' The man asked curiosity clear in his voice. 

'My dad is the leader of the escapers group but he was killed. I'm his only son and I'm supposed to take over, but the rebels were getting closer and when they killed my father it was unmistakable that they would want to kill me afterwards. My mum send me here to learn how to defeat them and to protect me. They were convinced I shouldn't go alone and tagged along.' I explained. It still felt weird to say that my dad was killed. It just didn't feel like that, there must be something else. 

The man's eyes widened for a second before he stood up and went behind the bar. He came back a minute later with a crate filled with small bottles. 'You're looking for this.' He said before he took one of the bottles. 'This makes the Alpha/Beta/Omega thing turn back to normal human. Though, I would advice for you to not drink it yet, especially with the curly one pregnant. You need to give this to the rebels, if they are turned human than they can't take any power. But while you do that there must be some protesters, the best would be Alphas to go against them.'

'How are we supposed to do that?' I exclaim not seeing that happen at all. The rebels are strong, they have the whole population of London in their force. That's a few million people!

'You're the one who's supposed to take over the leaders place you said right?' I nod once shotly. He grins at me 'So take over.'

I'm still not weak (Sequel to 'I'm not weak') - LarryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora