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~chapter 4~

*isabelle's POV*

"FLYNN!" I shouted and immediately wrap my arms around him, welcoming him in a warm hug.

"Wow I wouldn't mind being welcomed like this everday." I look up to see his face and he definitely changed.

"Looks like someone has grown some facial hair." I wriggle my eyebrows, teasing him.

"No I didn't. It's just stubbles. I'll shave them off because i know how you dont fancy guys with facial hair." He giggles and i joined him remembering the time i used to rant to him about how guys with facial hair would scare me and i never wanted a boyfriend who had facial hair.

"Awww you would do that for me? Isabelle Jones? Really?" I asked sarcastically.

"Of course i would! Why wouldn't i?" He answered back with obvious sarcasm.

"This is why you're my best friend" he says to me as we walk out of the shop. (That quiet restaurant they were in)

We were hanging around and having fun when all of a sudden i bumped into someone.

"Ow- oh I'm sorry" i looked up and saw a tall blonde woman, probably around my age.

"Here let me help you" she smiles and puts her hand out for me.

I accept it and stood up thanking here. She apologizes again and i tell her i forgave her already and after that we both left the scene, separating ways.

"You okay?" Flynn asks, worriedly.
I nod at him, telling him I'm fine.

"I feel like I've seen that girl somewhere." He says as we start walking again. I looked at him confused and also signaling him to continue.

"I think she's my best friends girlfriend." I stare at him with wide eyes

"You have another best friend that isnt me? And you didn't tell me? Wow what a friendship we have." I noted sarcastically. He chuckles at my sarcasm before swinging his arm onto my shoulders.

"Oh Isabelle, you have no idea how close me and him are." He winks at me. I thought i was his best friend :( looks like i have competition.

"I've known you since we were in diapers." I stated and he started bursting into laughter.

"What?" I questioned but he still laughed.
Once he cooled down a bit he looked at me in the eyes.

"Are you jealous i have a new best friend?" He cocks an eyebrow. I love flynn, but right now he looks like an ass.

"Whatever. What his name?" I try changing the topic and it seems to work.

"Connor" he mentions.

"Connor what?"

"Connor Niles"


Here's a really short chapter ;-; sorry but I'll update a longer one soon :D

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