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~chapter 5~

*isabelle's pov*


"What?" I asked a little shocked by the sudden name he mentioned.

"Why do you seem so shocked about it? Do you perhaps know him?" He cocks his eyebrows at me. What's his deal?

"Yea... i know connor." I awkward say. I didnt know him and flynn were friends. How have they not tell me?

"How long have you known him?" He turns his head to me as we keep walking. "Well?" I asked a little impatient.

"About a year now." I tripped over my own legs as i try to stable myself again. A year? That long?

"Why haven't you told me you got a new 'best friend' for a year already?" I asked a little offended that he hanged around with connor for a year and not with me.

"I dont know. Maybe because you never told me you have a new best friend too." He cooed.

"Ugh what a baby." I complained and he laughs. I join in with him, laughing as well.

"So if you know connor, that means you know Giselle." He states and I'm far beyond confused. "Giselle? Who's that?" I asked while looking around at the birds flying above us.

"The blondie you ran into just now."

"No i dont know her." I say a little uninterested.

"Why would i?"

"Because i just mentioned he was her girlfriend."

And again, i tripped over my legs in shocked.

"HIS GIRLFRIEND??" I asked a tat bit louder than i was planning to.

I see flynn smirking at me and I instantly look away to hide my embarrassment.

"Oooh looks like little miss 'i dont get crushes' has a crush on Mr 'i have a blondie as a girlfriend'. Also known as the famous Connor Niles." he teases me.

"Mr 'i have a blondie as a girlfriend'? How does that even describe him?"

"He likes to boast to our group of friends about his blonde girlfriend. I admit, Giselle is really pretty but she isn't really my type." He explains and i nod.

"Wait he didn't tell you?" He suddenly asks, breaking the silence that engulfed us before.

"No, no he didn't." I must say that i never expected him to have a girlfriend. It's not that i like him or anything but i guess he could have told me about it. I thought we were friends.

"Well that's odd. He usually talks about Giselle to everyone he meets. Even girls. Just to let them know he's taken so the fact that he never once mentioned having a girlfriend to you is far beyond weird." I too, am confused.

"I've only known him for 2 weeks. Maybe he isn't open yet to tell me about Giselle. I'm sure he'll tell me sooner or later." I smile at the thought of him having someone. He must really love her since he goes around telling people about her. But the thought of him not mentioning about her at all seems a little off to me.

"What kind of girl is she?" I suddenly asks without realizing. I flush as I realized what i just asked and Flynn seems to be enjoying the state i am in right now.

"Well, Giselle is basically your typical white bitch." I laugh a little and he chuckles lightly.

"No I'm serious. She wears everything a white girl would wear." I try remembering what she was wearing when i bumped into her and i started to get the idea of why he calls her a white bitch.

"She drinks starbucks everyday and claims there isn't a better coffee place than starbucks." I gasp, a little offended at her statement but i dont push it.

"I know right?" Flynn asks in a girly tone, mimicking those mean girls in TV shows.

"I'm pretty sure sweet caffeine is better" i defend and flynn nods.

"We've been going there ever since you were 13. You were at the addiction stage." He laughs as he remembers my usual state during that time. While I on the other hand, was cringing at the thought of me when i was 13.

"Oh please, I wasn't addicted to coffee." I scoff and he laughed even harder than before.

"What? It's true." I pout and he starts to stop laughing. As soon as he sees my pouting face, he bursts into laughter again.

"Stop it!" I laugh at his uncontrollable laughing state. He then hugs me as we both kept laughing, earning a few stares from others. It's totally normal for best friends to act weird.

"Flynn?" A man voice says, disturbing our 'moment'

"Yea?" Flynn and i turn around to be faced with the one and only,

Connor Niles.


I haven't updated in ages since i was at my aunts house and she didn't really have internet ;-; anyways, that's all for now! Hope you enjoy!

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