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~chapter 6~

*isabelle's pov*

He looks at me a little shocked and back at Flynn. Then I remember that i was still in Flynn's embrace, and pull out.

"Okay.... so you guys know each other?" Connor asks and moves his eyes from me to Flynn.

"Of course! She's the girl I've been talking about." Flynn exclaims. "The one I've been friends with since i was a baby." He boasts and i giggle.

I see connor smiling at me and i smile back at him. How ironic that i was suppose to meet him

"Are you guys dating or something?" Connor asks as me and Flynn looked at each other before bursting into laughter

"You thought we were dating?" Flynn asks in disbelief while we continue to giggle like little kids

"Well the way you talked about her seems like you're in love with her." I smile at the thought of Flynn talking to his friends about me.

"Woah hey now, we're nothing more than best friends right izzy?" I mentally cringe at the name he called me.

"First of all, dont call me izzy." I warn him while sending him the deadliest glare. He doesn't seem fazed about it and chuckles at my 'tough' act.

"Secondly, yup! We're just best friends. Nothing more, nothing less." Flynn takes my hand in his and swings it back and fourth.

Connor looks down at our hands and sends us a confused look

"Just best friends?" He asks

"Just best friends."   We both confirm and i give connor a smile.

"Well Flynn sorry but i think i might need to borrow your 'best friend' for today." Connor says as he looks at me for approval and waits for Flynn's answer.

"Fine, but tomorrow is me and your day." Flynn says to me as he waves goodbye to both me and connor.

"Lets go shall we?"

"Where to?"

"Someone wants to meet you." He smiles and I instantly smile as well.

"Okay." I say without thinking twice.

"So, in these past two weeks, I haven't been completely honest with you." Connor says as he awkwardly rubs his neck.

"Well you can tell me anything you want, whenever you want and I won't force you." I let out a soft smile as we continue walking.

"So about this person," i decided to break the silence.  "Oh yeah," he says as if he just remembered. "Well she's... my... um.." he looks awfully nervous and i dont know if i want to laugh of leave him to calm his nervousness down.


"My... girlfriend." He says and looks down to the ground.

I tilt my head and stop in my tracks. That was it?

"That's it? All that nervousness just to tell me I'm meeting your girlfriend?" I burst out laughing at how ridiculous he was

"Wait, you're not mad?" He questions and i giggle slightly. "Why on earth would i be mad? I'm meeting your girlfriend for goodness sake." I shake my head at him and continue walking.

"I just thought.. you know... maybe you would get upset at the thought of me having a girlfriend." He mumbles loud enough for me to hear.

Confused, i ask "why would i be upset at the fact you have a girlfriend?" He looks at me for a second and lets out a chuckle.
"I dont know? What if you liked me? I just felt bad if you did and me telling you i have a girlfriend would probably hurt you."

I couldn't help but laugh a tat bit more than before. "How on earth did you think of that? Me liking you? God no! We're friends aren't we?" I giggled. "Sure, friends." He says without looking at me.

"Hmm. So where are we meeting her?" I ask feeling a little excited to meet his girlfriend.

"At sweet caffeine." He states as if he thought i would have known.

"Oh cool I could really use some coffee right now." He looks at me and gives me a warm smile and we walked to the cafe in silence. Surprisingly, it wasn't that awkward.

As soon as we enter the shop, a tall blonde girl waves at us. More like at Connor but I don't mind. I instantly remembered her as the blondie i bumped into just now.

"There she is." Connor whispers at me as his lips tugged into a huge smile. Seeing him smile warmed my heart. Both of them must really be in love. I suddenly frown at the thought that i would most probably not experience the feeling both of them are right now.

We walk towards the table she's sitting at and as soon as Connor reaches there, she stood up and wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss.

Seeing them being intimate was a little too much for me since I'm not into those romantic scenes but nonetheless, it warmed my heart. I wish i had someone who loves me. I thought for a second before realizing i always seem to reject every guy and let out a little giggle

"Oh, hey aren't you the girl just now that i bumped into." I hear a soft voice and looked up to see her.

"Oh yeah. Hi I'm Isabelle." I smile wholeheartedly at her and she replied it with a soft smile that didn't quite reach her eyes but I didn't mind.

"Hey, I'm Giselle, Connor's girlfriend." She states, emphasizing the word girlfriend as if she thinks I'm about to steal him from her. I scoff beneath my breath. Gurl please, i wouldn't steal no man.

"Well nice meeting you, Isabelle." She send me the most unfriendliest (idk if thats a word but wtv) smile ever.

"Likewise, Giselle." Unlike her, I actually gave out a sincere smile which later on i see her rolling her eyes at me.



So i was thinking maybe i should do updates every two days in a week which i thought could be maybe Thurday and Saturday since im mostly free on these days, but I'll do more if I'm free and not lazy ;-; thats all! Byez

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