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~chapter 7~

*isabelle's pov*

Connor grabs her hand as they both take a seat opposite of me.

"So, Giselle." I start, breaking the barrier between us. "Hmm" she hummed back but doesn't look at me.

Judging from her accent, she might be from Australia if I'm not mistaken.

"Are you from around here?" As soon as i ask the question, Connor stands up, catching both me and Giselle's attention.

"I need to go to the bathroom." He nervously smiles after seeing that he caught our attention. Giselle gives him a small nod and lets go of his hand. Were they holding hands the hold time? How cute. I start thinking if I would ever get to hold a guys hand like that but then again, I'm always rejecting them so it is mostly my fault if i die lonely and single.

"To answer your question, no. I'm not from Canada." She replies but still isn't looking at me.

"Australia, I'm guessing?"
"New Zealand." She finally looks at me but she didn't really seem pleased, judging from her facial expressions.

"Same thing right?"

She gives me a glare and looks away.
"No. it isn't the same." She simply answers and I'm starting to get a little intimidated by her. She wasn't as friendly as she was before she found out i was Connor's friend. She seemed friendly about a few hours ago when we bumped into each other.

"Hi are you guys ready to order?" A tall waiter appears beside our table with a notebook in his hand. He's got black hair and brown eyes which is very attractive in my opinion.

He gives Giselle a small smile and she turns into a soft shade of pink. He then turns his head to me and gives me a warm smile, almost better than the one he gave Giselle. I instantly smile back.

"Hey sorry, I'm back." Connor suddenly appears behind the waiter only to sit down next to Giselle. "No problem." Giselle answers and kisses his cheek.

The waiter seems just as uncomfortable as i am so i take this chance to order. "One caramel latte please." He nods and writes down the order in his notepad.

"And for the couple." The waiter questions gesturing to Connor and Giselle.

I shrug my shoulders and Connor and Giselle seems to be deep into conversation but still giggling here and there. "Um yo both of you, order." I let out a small chuckle at how the waiter got their attention.

"Sorry," connor apologizes. "One caramel macchiato and a Caffe latte." Giselle glares at him and he instantly apologizes "wait no no, cancel the Caffe Latte, just warm water." He gives the waiter a nervous smile. I looked at the waiters name tag but the end of his name seems to be faded on the tag. Actually, not the end of it, it's basically most of his name I'm guessing. I can only see the letter 'Z' and some other faded letters.

"Food?" He asks and i shake my head as a no. Connor and Giselle also declines and the waiter soon went away.

"So Isabelle, what do you work as?" Giselle starts and I immediately felt embarrassed at the thought of my job.

"I'm a newspaper organizer. I organize newspapers and demolish those that aren't worth it." I explain and i can almost hear the scoff behind her expressions.

"Wow. I guess you've seen me on the papers then since you organize newspapers." She says with her thick accent.

"Actually i havent." I answered looking at her and her expression is somehow priceless. "How have you not seen me on the papers? Not even on the billboards?" I shake my head as a response and she looks shock.

"Giselle is actually a really famous model and actress in new zealand." Connor explains and i nod my head. Well i work for the newspaper in Canada not in New Zealand. My subconscious replies and I mentally high five her.

"That's exaggerating." She giggles and Connor leans in to kiss her.

*cough* uhm *cough*

They suddenly pull away, lips haven't even touched yet, at the sound of someone coughing.

All three of us looks at the waiter standing beside us. "Sorry, your coffees are here." He says without looking at Connor nor Giselle.

He suddenly hands me something and walks away.

I opened the paper and read what was inside.

Seems like third wheeling wasn't your original plan. Meet me after your coffee third wheeling date thingy. Sorry for making this uncomfortable so it's ok if you dont meet me ;-;


Zachary huh? Well zachary, I'm not third wheeling. I look up to see Connor and Giselle making out and I instantly look back down at the intimate scene. Do people nowdays not know the meaning of anti PDA people? Like me for example. I guess i really am third wheeling.

(A/N: PDA stands for public display of affection. In case you didn't know)

Our coffee date third wheeling thingy ended slower than I thought and i was already dreading at the sights of both of them.

I then remember i gotta meet that waiter.

"You guys go first I have something to do." They both nod and Connor waves goodbye to me.

"Hi." A sudden voive takes me by surprise.

"Oh hi." I smile back.

"Sorry if i scared you." Zachary apologizes as he rubs his neck.

"It's fine. So why did you want to meet me?" I ask him and he turns his head to looking at me in the eye.

"Well you're really attractive, so I thought if maybe i could... you know.... bring you out for lunch or something." He whispers the last part but i could still hear him.

"You wanna take me out for lunch?" He nods his head and looks at the ground, avoiding my eyes.

I thought about it for a second. Seeing Connor and Giselle so in love just now made me feel like i want to be in love. So why not?

"Sure." I say and i can tell he was surprised by my answer. "You can take me out for lunch." I smile and he instantly smiles back.

"Thank you. But I didn't get your name."


We exchanged phone numbers after a little talk.

"See ya Isabelle." He smiles

"See ya Zach"


I honestly forgot today was Thursday rip omg so here's an update! Also THANK YOU FOR 29 reads! Its not a lot but it's better than none am i right? Thats all i gotta say! Byez!

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