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~chapter 10~

*isabelle's POV*

"Sorry but do you know us?" Connor asks as I continue staring at the person in front of me.

"Isa-" i cut her off.

"Let's go Connor." I turn away from the woman and start packing my stuff.

"Wait but you haven't finished you coffee yet" I look back at the table to see my drink half way finished.

"Still with the coffee addiction i see. Good to know you haven't changed." She smiled at me.

"What do you want?" That came out of my mouth a little bit more harsh than I wanted it to but I didn't care. I was annoyed, mad, sad, and confused at the same time. Why was she here?

"That isn't how you greet someone older than you Isabelle. Especially when that person is your mother." I scoff at her. "Mother? You don't deserve the title." The look on her face as i said that left me feeling guilty. I was never the type to do something bad and be proud of it. No matter how bad someone treats me, I would always stay nice.

But when I somehow turn a little rude, I instantly regret and feel guilty even if I don't show it. I really care about people's feelings even if they don't deserve it.

"She's your mother?" Connor says astonished. I don't say anything but I'm guessing he got the message.

"You didn't miss me?" Her voice cracked and i can feel the tears welling up in the corner of my eyes but i blink away the tears. Why am i so sensitive?

"Why would i? You left me because i was a burden to you. Why would i miss someone who despised me?" The tears were coming back and i hated it. I'm such a sensitive person that I honestly cry at everything.

I hear a slight gasp and i look at Connor.

"Isabelle isn't that a little... ya know.... rude?" He whispers quietly at me. I send him a glare telling him to keep his mouth shut and he obliges.

"If there's nothing else anymore," i turn my attention to Connor. "We're leaving." I say and grab Connors hand before ditching out.

As soon as we were out of the store, i let out a huge sigh and bring my hands to my face. Why did she have to come back? I mentally curse at myself for being mean to her. Yes she deserved but still, i hurt her feelings.

Making me just as bad as she is.

"Well that was some donut trip huh?" Connor lets out a nervous laugh and i send him a glare. He puts his hands up in defense and i let out another sigh.

"I didn't think donut trips would always end up like this." I say under my breath. Stupid donuts. I knew donuts were cursed.

I don't think donuts are safe for me anymore.

"Wanna go get some coffee? I mean you didn't really seem to enjoy the little donut trip just now." He rubs his neck nervously. Something i realise he does when he's nervous. Like a little cute habit.

I instantly feel my mood lightening at the idea he shared. "You always seem to know when i need a cup of coffee." He raises his brows at me and gives me a smirk.

"Wow, we should just get married then." He says and starts laughing and i join him.

"Yea totally." I reply sarcastically as we both head to sweet caffeine.


I have history and science exams tmr and here i am updating this for you guys only because I'm a lovely author hehehe ;) as you guy know, i have been pretty busy studying for exams (kidding these are just excuses, i dont study) so i dont think i can update twice a week. But the good news is, I'm having mid term holidays for a week (i wished it was longer ;-;) so i can update then! That's all byez.

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