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~chapter 8~

*Isabelle's pov*

Its sunday. Me and Zach are suppose to go on our "date". Well he never mentioned it was a date but i just thought i might as well just call it that.

"Aye Izzy!" I hear a voice calling from the distance and I instantly cringe at the name.

I look back only to see a wild Connor coming towards me. "Since when have you been calling me 'izzy'?" He grins at me as he takes a seat in front of me.

"Flynn told me he calls you that. Also 'iz' but I prefer 'izzy' better, dont you think?" I puts his index finger on his chin, acting like he's thinking. "No, i dont think so." I say and pull his finger away from his chin.

"You're too uptight." He smiles.

"Aw you ordered me my coffee, thanks bae." He smiles at me and takes a sip if his coffee.

"Although, i would have preferred if you bought me hot caramel macchiato instead of iced on a rainy day." He complains and i roll my eyes at him.

"Stop complaining. At least i got you coffee. Now hurry up and pay me back you douche." He scoffs and puts his coffee down.

"Okay but seriously, why would you drink iced coffee on a rainy and cold day? How weird is that?" He questions and looks me in the eye.

"Not weird at all, and i do. I drink iced coffee on rainy, cold, and unsettling days and you know why? Because i want to. Because i like to. And i dont remember a rule saying that your coffee needs to be based on the weather or season. Every season is iced coffee season. Fight me if you disagree."

He looks at me with his elbows on the table and head in between his hands.

"Well that was one heck of a speech. Do you want an award or something for that extreme iced coffee speech of yours?" He questions sarcastically and I mentally sigh.

"Hell yeah i want an award."

"Well name it. I'll get you whatever it is." He smiles.


His smile drops and he stares at me with unreadable eyes. He looks at me confusingly and suddenly laughs.


"Donuts. Yes." I say

"Fine. Donuts it is."


Short chapter i know, kinda boring i know but I didn't really have that much time since i was busy with my fam during the weekends ;-; I'll try to update more for you guys 🙆🏼❤️️ thats all byez~

Coffee LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora