Chapter 6

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I felt my body go numb. Brick dropped in to my gut uncomfortably and held my breathe. Guilt washed over my whole body. My mind already jumping to conclusions. 'Had cancer' replying in my head. My heart sink even more at the thought of it. I felt my eyes burn as I was trying blink away the tears. I can't cry in front of him, not now. 'Had cancer' I repeated again, his mom had cancer, so she beat it? Confusion strike me. Had cancer? As in past tense? Or did she di– no she couldn't possibly have died. It's getting harder and hard to hold in my tears but I tried my best to manage with it.

My mouth was dry as I tried to come up with something to say but it was like my mouth was locked up.

Damien noticed and spoke "Sorry I didn't mean to put it out there so blunty"

My mouth was dry as I spoke. "No Its okay. I wasn't expecting you to say that." I stared at him.

"Sorry about that." He apologized again and his fingers went though his hair.

"No its okay" I ensured him. "Do you want to– Uhh talk about?" I tried to put words together.

He shifted his glance to the floor,  together with his palms in his lap. His expression held in guilt.

"I don't know." He finally said.

I felt pain in my chest like I just been stabbed. Did he not trust me? Stupid me, he doesn't, he barley just met me. I don't know why his words hit me so hard. I tried to hide my hurt expression. On cue Damien glimpsed up and saw my hurt expression.

"Oh god, sorry I didn't mean it like that." He rushed out.

"I meant that I don't know if I talk to you or anyone about it."

I furrowed my brows in confusion. "You haven't talked to anyone about it?" I asked.

"No beside my dad" He emphasized dad as if he hated to say dad.

"Oh" I said not sure if its the right place to say anything else.

"It just... Its hard for to talk about" He struggled to say.

I felt my body relax and immediately understood how he felt. It was hard for me to talk about my cancer to my friends (no longer my friends) but it still is.

"I understand" I reasoned with him.

Confusion washed over his face. "You do?"

"Yeah. It was hard for me to tell my friends that I had cancer."

"How did they react?"

"They hugged me and wished me luck. Then we never stayed in touch after that." I said.

"I'm sorry. " He said for the umpteenth time.

I laughed and changed my view to him. "It's fine. It's not like I had alot of friends."

"I'm your friend." He flashed his gorgeous smile.

My face immediately heated up. My stomach bursted into a frenzy.

"You are?" I blushed. Excitement bubbling in my stomach.

"Yes. Why wouldn't I be?" He curiously asked.

"I don't know" I shrugged.

"No really why?" He intrigued.

I thought about telling him the turth and the truth is I think he doesn't want to be friends with a girl that's sick and needs to be taken care of all the time. So I told him just that.

"I just thought you didn't want to be friends with someone that's to be taken care of all the time because their sick." I avoided eye contact and my voice went lower.

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