Chapter 2

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Lafayette stared at her cousin's, dumbfounded. "What happened?"

Leo and Ean stood before her, their faces adorned with cuts and black eyes. She had gone to visit their grandparents, as it was normal for the family to do on occasion.

Ean grinned, his dirty blonde hair long overdue for a trim as tendrils of it fell into his face. He was currently five and ten and couldn't seem to be anymore mischievous. He had gone from the cute quiet child that he had once been to an incredibly handsome skirt chaser. And it was all thanks to the Hugh men.

Leo sighed but couldn't quite contain his grin, "This isn't my bloody fault."

Ean burst out laughing, running a hand through his hair, his blue eyes shining, "I'll take credit for this one. But I swear the other party had it coming."

Lafayette made a face, grimacing, "You two are awful. Trinity is going to lose her mind the moment she sees your face, Ean! You know how she coddles you! And Leo, for God's sake, could you be a good influence?"

Ean's smile faded at the mention of Trinity, "Bleedy fucking hell."

Lafayette gasped at his language, "Ean!"

He blushed before running a hand through his hair once more, giving Lafayette a sheepish grin, "I'm sorry, Fay, really I am. Is".

"She and your father stepped out for a ride around the pond. Who knows when they'll be back."

Relief peppered his handsome face and he grinned before running off.

Leo burst out laughing, clutching his side. "You have to admit, the lad has changed over the years."

Lafayette couldn't help but chuckle at that comment, "And who do you think he got his current behavior from? Uncle Adam got to him and then my father and then you and Alex. Not to exclude Artair from the lot of you. He has Artair's smug attitude. The boy already has girls swooning with every smile, he's growing to be just as insufferable as the rest of you. Trinity's losing her mind. You know she still thinks of him as the sweet little boy he was when she first married Artair."

Leo shrugged, "She can't coddle the boy forever."

Lafayette sighed, "Will you be the one to tell her that her sweet son has turned into a rogue in the making? And on that subject, how many bloody fights are you going to allow him to participate in?"

Leo blushed crimson. "You know I can't tell her that." He cleared his throat, "Before you say anything, this time...the fight was really quite warranted. If you had been there, you would have been proud of the lad. I know I was. It was rather noble of him, really. And besides, he has a right hook that could destroy a brick wall."

There was pride in Leo's voice as he praised their younger cousin. It was a pride Lafayette couldn't be angry at him for. She sighed, "Very well, but still. When Trinity gets back, she's going to box both of your ears."

Leo grinned, "No she won't, not if Artair has bloody well tired her out on their 'ride'."

"You're disgusting."

"I'm right and you know it."

Lafayette laughed, because she knew he was quite right. "Oh, what ever. Do go and get dressed, we were invited to the Herberts ball. I need an escort and I assume you'd like to be gone when Trinity does return."

Before Leo could answer Ean came running down the hall, panic on his face. "I do hope you won't mind two escorts, dear, cousin."

She sighed but grinned at him, "Oh, why not. I'll save you from this tongue lashing I suppose."


Lafayette was bored. Truly she was. She hated balls, always had. She had always had a preference for a good book instead of a party. Such was her personality. Angel had always been the wild one, the more mischievous of the two them. She was much calmer, more even tempered. She was quickly passing the appropriate age to have a season. At twenty and one, most of the ton were starting to perceive her as an old maid. She couldn't blame them. Most of her family had already married, were making children by the dozen. Not to mention that girls her age were only promptly on child number two or three.

She had always dreamed of romance, as was her inclination, she was an avid reader of stories filled with romance and happy endings.

She had turned down many suitors over the years, wanting genuine love. Wanting what she had seen gleam in the eyes of her family members as they gazed upon loved ones. Could she be faulted for wanting the same thing?

But still, with the Hugh name, the ton knew never to keep them from invitations. With the Hugh family came not only wealth but well...scandal as well. Years of kidnappings, openly interracial marriages, roguish behavior and outlandish tempers made for wonderful gossip after all.

Throughout the years she had yet to find anyone that made her heart flutter or her pulse race. Even she was surprised at the sudden interest that popped up when she had glanced at Nicholas. She had grown up around the man, had seen him before, quite often. But never had she really, truly looked at him.

She had never glanced upon him as a man but a friend of her father. A rather...dense, friend of her father. It had happened suddenly, in a flash almost. She had had her head stuck in a book, no real surprise there. Nicholas had come over and was talking animatedly with her father. She had bumped into him, her book falling from her hands, her hands fisted at his clothing to keep herself from falling. His arms had engulfed her in their fullness. His smell had hit earthy musk that she could only assume was naturally his for nothing had ever smelled so wonderful before.

The warmth of his embrace, the deep bravado in which he had called her name, asking if she were alright. In that moment she saw Nicholas as a man.

It had all been so innocent but in that very moment she knew she had found the man that would make her eyes gleam in that loving way. And to think that he had always been so close. She huffed sitting her glass of wine down.

She let her eyes roam around the dance floor, watching as Ean danced, rather close, to a raven haired girl with pink cheeks. She clicked her tongue at the young girl's expression. Ean was going to ruin, God knows, how many hearts.

Leo sat beside her, looking out onto the dance floor as well, looking just as bored as she did.

She glanced out onto the dance floor once but froze on a familiar figure. Nicholas.

On the dance floor with his arms locked around a smiling woman. Lafayette stiffened...jealousy raged. Her gaze was obvious enough because Leo noticed and he followed her gaze before sighing.

"Please tell me you're not throwing all that jealousy in Nicholas's direction?"  

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