Chapter 2

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 Sage's P.O.V.

After waking up, I soon realized that I had completely forgotten about how the humans were now after us, and began to look about my surroundings, making sure that none of the humans would be around when Grimm and I needed to make a break for the small home we were able to put together underneath the couch of the quaint little home, considering it was around the perfect size for borrowers to be able to travel back and forth to gather food. As I walked towards the lower cabinets door, I felt a large, warm breath on me. Oh god, what was it that the beans had said about a lion again? Well, it was a good life, we're doomed now, wait...we're, where is Grimm? I searched around the space and found Grimm edging closer and closer towards where the humans large cat would be positioned to capture us "Grimm, what are you doing? You're going to get us caught!" I whispered after her, attempting to catch her hand before she could get close enough to the door for the lion to capture us, I've seen that thing open cabinets, so it can definitely get to us. After I had finally reached her, the lion had opened the cabinet and made a swift move to grab us. Is this how it ends? Getting eaten by a cat? Heh, I knew Grimm would get me killed, ever since I met her all she's been is trouble. After moments, minutes even passed by, I began to get the sensation of being lifted off the ground, I opened my eyes and looked upwards only to see that the lion had picked Grimm and I up by the back of our shirts. Great, the beast is going to toy with us before killing us, typical felines. Shortly we arrived at the cats make-shift bed, of which was just the couch. It was very unsettling to know that every night when we went to bed, the cat was laying right on top of us. The cat laid down, curling into a small open circle, after dropping us in the middle, making sure we wouldn't be able to escape for as long as the humans would be out for. Well this just got much worse, I personally would much rather be killed by a cat than be found by a human, who knows what they could do with us? Would they experiment on us? I hate this, I'm just waiting for a death that will be drawn out as long as possible by humans, thanks a lot 'ya stupid cat!

Grimm's P.O.V.

Almost immediately after the large cat, that I believe I heard the smallest of the humans call "Lion" set us down and curled around us, Sage began to quietly sob beside me, probably not wanting me to be able to hear her. Much like I did last night, I wrapped my arms around her trembling form, my god she's beautiful, and did my best to sound much like a purring cat would, which soon lulled Sage to sleep. Almost immediately afterwards, I heard the noise which usually indicated the return of the humans, thinking quickly, I grabbed Sage's sleeping body and dragged her into the lions mane, hopefully we can hide in here until it's safe again.

Third Person P.O.V.

The gems and Steven were relieved to finally get back after a small mission that had turned into a disaster, now the only thing on their minds happened to be about the possible mouse invasion into the temple, and worse, Garnets room. None of the gems, except for Garnet, of course, were even allowed in there, so to think that someone or something would just stroll in there and take gem shards, it was as though they didn't even realize the possible dangers that the shards could hold if they were to regenerate. While Garnet had already predicted the most possible outcome, she left the rest of the gems, Steven included, without a clue as to what they were searching for, and as such, she had decided to drop the most subtle of hints and set herself down next to Lion, of whom was laying down on the couch, or what Steven claimed to be his bed. The rest of the gems followed suite, and all at once, they began to realize that they all were hearing a faint crying, coming from what seemed like the underside of Lion's mane. "Right on time." Thought Garnet, as Lion began to role over to reveal two small, human like forms cowering at their gaze.


Hey, it's me. Thanks for the reads and favorites, it really means a lot, I'll try to get the next chapter out as soon as I possibly can, once again, thank you all a lot. And if you don't mind it, please leave a comment of criticism, it would be great for me to hear from you guys to see if I should correct any of my mistakes. Thank you! Another quick thing for you quotev readers, I won't be updating on any other site before I update on quotev, and I won't be uploading the authors notes here

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