Moving back in with the Crystal Gems

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Soon enough, morning came again, and Connie began to get ready to take the two tiny people back to Stevens house with her, the mentioned tiny people were on her bed-side table, stretching and yawning, clearly having just woken up from the night prior, which obviously could've gone much better in Connie's opinion, especially since she had learned that Sage had an anger issue, she would probably have to mention that to Steven and the Gems later. "So are you going to take us back to 'Stevens' house or what?" Well, think of the Ruby-Esq Borrower and she will speak.
"Yeah, I'll just go get ready really quick, I guess I'll bring you back in my training bag? I do have training with Pearl today after all."
"How do you think we got here in the first place?"
"How were you in my training bag without me noticing?"
"We're borrowers, duh, we aren't supposed to be seen." Well, that was one answer that just raised even more questions that were possible to ask in the time allowed before Connie's mother or father would be up to ask why she wasn't awake yet, so she quickly nodded and told them that she would be back up in a minute or so to bring them back to the temple. As Connie ate breakfast, the borrowers began to prepare themselves for the journey ahead of them, they had been assured that the Gems had not been told of their return yet, which was a good thing, seeing as Grimm wanted to keep it a surprise, in an attempt to cheer Steven up, because when they had left she knew that Steven would be upset, though she had tried her hardest to convey that to Sage, she wouldn't crack, and here they are now. While Grimm had been lost in thought, Connie had returned and asked how they would prefer to travel back to Stevens house, to which Sage answered bag. Connie lowered her training bag onto her bed, she had training with Pearl today anyways.

Grimm's P.O.V.

After a very long silence we heard Connie speak up from above us "We're here!"
"Finally, and make sure you keep it a surprise, Grimm wants it to be a surprise." It's a good thing Sage knew exactly what I wanted to do when we got back, and I think she was also wondering about the second thing that I wanted to do just as much as I was, but I don't think she's as keen on finding it out as I am. I don't think she forgives the bird like 'Gem' yet, I figured even though I'm frightened by her I might as well remain as neutral as possible. But still, I need to know how she made her nose so pointy! My bet is that she sharpened it. Not very long after we arrived Connie's bag was set down on the ground, and Connie called for Steven, saying that she was ready for practice, keeping our presence a surprise to the half human and the Gem that accompanied him into the main living area. It just so happened to be the one that looked much to like a bird for it to be coincidence, I believe her name was Pear? Doesn't sound right, but I guess it's close enough for me, it doesn't really matter anyways, she still scares me, so I don't think that Sage would be happy that I don't know her name, and I'd do anything to make sure that Sage is happy.

Very soon there was light shining up above us, the bag had been opened, Pear stared down at us, mouth agape, before muttering a small "Sorry." and telling Connie that practice would be cancelled today, while Steven showed a much more ecstatic reaction to our re-appearance in his home "Welcome back!"

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