Lessons with Pear, I mean Pearl!

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Pearl's P.O.V.

Soon after the Ruby-like borrower had left the other one quickly signed something towards Connie, seeing as she is the only one of us here that can understand what, I believe her name was Grimm, is saying. "She says that she wants 'Pear' to teach her how to read and write in English." the borrower nodded and pointed towards me "My name is Pearl, not 'Pear', Pearl. Can you say Pearl?" Grimm shook her head, seemingly more content to just mock me. I sigh, and grab a piece of paper and a pencil then ventured over to the counter Grimm was standing on "I guess I should start with the basics then." I didn't pay attention to Grimm's nodding as I began to write down the alphabet, much like I had when we were first teaching Steven how to read and write in English. "You see this paper? I wrote the English alphabet down on it, I want you to try and re-write the letters." Grimm nodded again and broke off the lead tip of the pencil to write with, and proceeded to copy what she had seen. Well this would be much easier than teaching a half-human infant.

Time Skip

It's been hours since I began to try to teach Grimm how to write in English, and all I've gotten out of her is 'I noe enlish' written out on the piece of paper and the tiny girl looking extremely proud of herself and her 'accomplishment' "Grimm, you only spelled I correctly, 'know' is spelled 'k', 'n', 'o', 'w', and 'English' is spelled 'E' make sure the e is capitalized as well, 'n', 'g', 'l', 'i', 's', 'h', you may have the right idea, attempting to spell the words by sound, but maybe you should just stick to writing the letters out until you understand them?" She frowned slightly but nodded nonetheless. Well this was certainly more easy than teaching an infant, but much more difficult than teaching a toddler.

Yet Another Time Skip

Just as Grimm was finishing up her next little message, Sage reappeared from beneath the couch to retrieve my newest student, though she did not seem amused that Grimm had been talking to me, she thanked me for teaching her before heading back to their shared home underneath the couch. I looked to the paper that Grimm had been writing on to see her first correctly spelled note 'Thank you Pear!' well, at least now we can understand her a bit better, I suppose I'll let the name thing slip just this once.

Sage's P.O.V.

"Grimm, I'm glad that you at least learned something, but couldn't you solicit someone else?"
'Pear's not that bad, it's not like she meant to scare me.'
"Then say that out loud." If she really meant it then she would speak, that was something that I knew for sure
"Pear isn't that bad, she didn't mean to scare me as much as she did." My god her voice is beautiful well that answers that
"You have a great voice, you know? You should talk more often." I quickly slapped my hand over my mouth, slightly blushing
"Do you really like my voice that much?" Grimm was blushing as well. Words failed me and all I could do was nod. Grimm smiled and sighed 'Maybe I'll start speaking more later, for now I'll be going to bed.' "Goodnight, Sage." I'm falling more and more in love with this girl with each passing day.

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