Date Nights Wrap up

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 After all the couples had had time to converse with each-other, they chose their activities for the rest of the night, Lapis and Peridot had decided on a marathon of Camp Pining Hearts, like they had been talking about doing before Steven had even come to pick them up from the barn. And because of them keeping the T.V. to themselves, that limited the options that the others had left, so they ended up collaborating about what they should be doing for the rest of the night, and finally agreed on dinner, with their respective partners of course, and dancing, though Ruby and Sapphire were not allowed to fuse until Steven had been tucked in, which Steven didn't plan on letting happen until the entirety of the date nights had been finished.
Not much food was required for the entirety of the date night dinner, considering Pearl was extremely uncomfortable about eating, and Amethyst decided that as such it would be best not to eat much. Grimm and Sage being so small didn't need much either. And Ruby and Sapphire hardly ate much to begin with, so because of that, the dinner part of the three couples dates was over relatively fast, and they were soon deciding which type of music would go first, mainly because they all had very different tastes in music, in which only two of the couples could say they enjoyed the same type of music, but the auditory tastes of the couples, and Pearl and Amethyst, still varied greatly. In the end they decided that each person would get to choose one song from their favorite genre of music, Pearl's song would go last, seeing as it was most fitting for a slow dance, which was usually saved for the end of dances. First would be Amethyst's song, then would be Sage and Grimm's song, which they had agreed on almost immediately, then just before Pearl's song, would be Ruby and Sapphire's song which they, just like the former couple, had agreed on immediately, always knowing what would make the other happy. The first song up was Miss Y, performed by Marina And The Diamonds. 

Though Pearl didn't quite enjoy the genre of music that Amethyst had chosen, she could definitely agree that the song was pretty enjoyable. And to show that she meant it, she even attempted to get into sync with Amethyst's movements. After Miss Y faded out, the song that began to play was Stay Gold, by First Aid Kit.

Both Sage and Grimm both thoroughly enjoyed this song, their movements in perfect sync with one another, Steven knew that if borrowers could fuse, they would be a mini Garnet right now. When the last note of the song had rung out, Grimm jumped into Sage's arms, glad that they had this opportunity, which though Sage did not like to admit, was an opportunity they never would've had if they hadn't moved back in with Steven and the Gems. The song that Ruby and Sapphire had chosen was a bit unexpected, but nevertheless defined their relationship; Check Yes Juliet, by We The Kings.

It took everything Ruby and Sapphire had in them not to fuse during the entirety of the song, but even with that challenge, they still loved the energy that the song and dance provided, listening to songs like this rekindled their relationship, even though it would never grow old, no matter how much time had, and will pass. It was finally time for the last song, Steven was getting kind of sleepy, but he was still excited to see how Pearl would end the night off. The song that would end the night would be Beyond The Veil, by Lindsey Stirling.

Though Amethyst had expected it to be a bit more piano-y, she found the artist to be very talented, and agreed that this made for the perfect last dance of the evening, maybe she should take Pearl to more dance parties with her? Nah, she'd just get weird-ed out by all the people and their different forms of dancing. If not taking her to dances, she could always ask her for some music recommendations. By the time the song had ended Steven was asleep, Garnet was back together, Peridot and Lapis were leaning on each-other, Pearl and Amethyst were getting along so much better than they usually do, and Sage and Grimm shared a quick kiss, worried that if they kissed anymore they would be stared at.
By the time Garnet, Pearl, and Amethyst had put Steven to bed, Grimm and Sage had already retreated to their home to relax for the night, and Lapis and Peridot were still hogging the T.V., watching Camp Pining Hearts. The end of the Date Night had come, but it ended much better than any of them had thought that it would.


Yo! For this I used my personal music preference, I hope you enjoy the songs that I chose! If you did, you should check out the people that made them! I really love the artists, and the genre of their music, and the song that I chose to put here somewhat relates to the characters in my mind, but for Sage and Grimm, I just chose a song that I really enjoyed from a band that I began listening to. Feedback is always appreciated, and I'll see you guys in the next chapter!

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