It's really been this long, huh?

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        A couple of months have passed since the Borrowers return to the Crystal Gems household, and Steven thought that they should celebrate. His reasoning was that 'they needed to make sure they felt like this was their home.'. Pearl didn't understand his reasoning, and looked towards Garnet, hoping for a more clear explanation, which was just a shrug. She sighed, and agreed to help set the up the little 'party'.
"Great! Now we just need someone to distract them while we set it up, does anyone want to volunteer?" He looked around the room, hoping to see someone raising their hand, when finally, Garnet sighed, and raised hers. "Oh my god, really!" Steven's eyes were sparkling
"More like I knew you were going to ask me first." Amethyst snorted, and Steven nodded, she was right after all.
"Well, we should get started. Thanks for volunteering Garnet!" Everyone got up from where they sat, and began getting ready for the party Steven had planned, while Garnet just sat by the couch, sending Steven a quick thumbs up, to show him that she was ready for anything that came her way. Which, all things considered, wasn't going to be much, but, it might be exciting, depending on what route they take.

3rd Person P.O.V.; with the Borrowers

"Grimm, come on, I think we might actually have a chance to find them now. Those 'Gems' are on our side, right?"
"Well, yeah. But, I don't think that this is a very good idea. Do you think your parents would even be okay with us being friends with a human, a half human, and Gems? And what about us? Do you think they would accept us?" Grimm, for once, was the one that was constantly worrying about everything that could happen, and to keep her from ranting on even more, Sage gave her a quick kiss, "Don't worry so much, I'm sure it'll be alright, we just have to find the house they're living in, then just split up from the Gems and Steven for a while, just until we can find them. I just want to make sure they're alright, and let them know that I'm alright. It's been months since I've seen them. Please just do this for me?" Sage gave Grimm her best puppy dog eyes, she knew that Grimm's weakness was the puppy dog eyes, it took all the months of living together, but, it still payed off. Sage's lovely girlfriend finally gave in to her begging, and nodded. Well, it was finally time to do something she had promised herself she would never do, ask the Gems for help.
The Borrowers left their small home underneath Stevens couch, only to be stopped by Garnet, who scooped the two up, and walked outside. "GARNET!!! Why did you pick us up! I thought you knew that I don't like this, I even made sure to say so, at least fifty times, and that was just in one speech." Sage continued mumbling, more to herself at this point than anyone else. Grimm chose to ignore this, much like Garnet had chosen to ignore it, as well. "So, what is this about?" Grimm chose to ask about Garnets intention of carrying them out of the house, were they kicking them out? "It's a secret," Grimm could've assumed that she winked "Now then, I'm guessing that you two have someone to ask me, and the rest of the Crystal Gems, though they'll know about this sometime later."
"Oh, yeah, we wanted to know if you could help us find my parents." Sage finally snapped out of her mumbling rant to ask the question that has been looming on her mind ever since the date nights' end. "Hmmm..." Garnet seemed to be deep in thought, she never thought that Sage would ask her out of all the Gems, she honestly thought she would have asked Steven. But, seeing as this was the path they were going down for now, things should get pretty interesting from here on out.

Steven, Pearl, and Amethyst had finished setting up the small party for the Borrowers, and called Garnet, whom still held the two, back into the house. As soon as she got back inside, and placed the Borrowers down on the kitchen counter, "HAPPY FIVE MONTH ANNIVERSARY!" Steven yelled, clearly excited over something so mundane to the others. "Oh, wow, thank you so much, Steven." Sage smiled to the best of her ability, while Grimm had a completely genuine smile spread across her face.
While Steven and the Borrowers were eating cake, which Amethyst had already eaten half of, Garnet gathered the Gems together, and told them about what Sage asked for. "Well, of course we have to help them, it's not only a duty of the protectors of Earth, it's also a duty to Stevens friends." Pearl sounded quite proud to say something that made her sound so heroic, it's been a while since she had last been able to rub her 'status' of one of Earth's protectors above someone else's head. It had also been a while since Pearl had last been able to lord the fact that she was a free Pearl above all other Pearls heads, and though that was luckily not going to happen, Pearl still wishes she could do that again. The huddled Gems dispersed, and told the Borrowers that they would be helping them, and began to fill Steven in on the situation, to which he excitedly exclaimed that he would help them no matter how long it took. Pearl looked extremely shocked that such a young child was easily able to one-up her in her heroic factor, with little to no effort involved, though she quickly hid her shock and disappointment. Steven and Sage began to excitedly plan what they would do to find her parents, Grimm just sat off a bit of a distance, her mind seemingly running a mile a minute. What was going to happen if they can actually find Sage's parents?

???'s P.O.V.
Two adults, and a young girl looked towards a picture, one that had been taken years ago. The picture was of a girl, who seemed to be in her early-to-mid teens, she had long, chestnut hair, worn up in a ponytail, and emerald green eyes. They hadn't seen her since they had gotten separated, months ago. They all wanted to know if it had really been this long, since they've seen their sister, and daughter. Would they get to see her again? What would she be like after all this time? The younger girl was sure that her sister had changed, she herself, had gotten taller, and her hair had gotten longer as well, she really hoped she would be able to see Sage sometime again, soon.


Hey guys! Thank you so, so much for over a thousand reads (on quotev)!!!!!! I love all of you so much! Sorry it took so long to get this chapter out, I got really focused on my other story on here (once again quotev), if you want to, I would appreciate it if you could check it out. Again, sorry it took so long, and thank you so much for sticking with me. Also, I'm not sure what names I should have for Sage's family, if you guys have any ideas about that, please tell me as soon as you can, it would be a huge help to me, and help me get the next few chapters out sooner than they would without names. Though, I'll still do my best to get them done without names as fast as I can, though I will not be able to publish any of them. Last time, because I really, really appreciate it, thank you all so much for reading, leaving feedback, and showing this story so much love, I'll be back with a new chapter as soon as I can, sorry if it takes a while though, still, thanks so much guys, later.

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