Speed Dates

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      The first of the activities that Steven had planned for tonight was an icebreaker for all four couples, that way they could get to know each other a bit better than they do right now, seeing as Sage had held an animosity towards Pearl up until just recently, now she was too busy fawning over "How cute Grimm's voice is.". All in all, he really hoped that this would go as well as he had planned for it to. Even so, if the speed dates failed he could always rely on all the other backup plans that he and Connie had thought up, it was just too bad that Connie couldn't be here to see all of their ideas come together. They....they had planned for a lot of these plans to fail, but hey, you never know until you try! Speaking of trying, it was time to get this show on the road. "Guys! We should start the speed dates now! The first pairs will be Sage and Lapis, Peridot and Grimm, Pearl and Sapphire, and Amethyst and Ruby." The response from Sage, Lapis, and Peridot were all much less than excited, while the remaining four seemed happy that they didn't get matched up with anyone they didn't already know, except for Grimm, who seemed happy with meeting new people now. Steven figured that it would be best for him to explain the rules before anyone decides to throw a riot, mainly Sage, and possibly Lapis, she didn't enjoy meeting new people. "Okay, the speed date works like this; you get into the pairs that I put you into, and then you talk about yourselves to get to know each-other, talk about your interests and that sort of thing. Now, go to your groups and let's get this speed date started!" Almost immediately after Steven had spoken the gems and borrowers began to get into their assigned groups, with Lapis and Peridot having to carry their assigned partners to the counters in the kitchen area, seeing as that's where all the benches that they would be sitting on were, Lapis having to actually grab her partner to get her over there, Sage did not like the idea of being picked up, and really hated that Lapis grabbed her. Grimm of course didn't mind, and didn't put up a fight, she was happy to get to know everyone that was currently in the house, though she did not believe that Steven would be participating, but she could learn more about him later, or through the ones that seemed to know everything about him.
After everyone had gathered around the kitchen counter the speed dates began, Lapis and Sage mainly staring each-other down, Peridot and Grimm questioning possibly meaningful things about the differences between gems and borrowers, the remaining two pairs only talked about times past, and what the future might spell for them, Sapphire knowing that the only possibility for anything to go wrong was much too slim for it to be plausible, though knowing that anything was possible, she didn't rule it out. After a couple of more minutes Steven called the time and told the group of women to switch into new groups; "Okay! It's time to switch partners, Sage will go with Peridot, Lapis will go with Amethyst, Pearl will go with Ruby, and Grimm will go with Sapphire!" All eight participants complied and got into their new pairings, with Grimm and Sage staying where they had been placed on the counter, as well as everyone else on the side of the counter they were sitting on. After they had moved into their new partner pairs Steven restarted the time, notifying them to begin their conversations. Pearl and Ruby once again were very happy that they had yet to have to deal with anyone they didn't know as well as they knew the rest of the crystal gems, aside from Peridot of course, none of them really knew what was up with her. For the next few minutes Peridot tried to explain to Sage why she was 'clearly' the leader of the crystal gems, while Sage tried to keep up what she had with Lapis without laughing at the small green gems claims. While with the pair Lapis was with now she just kept up her facade while Amethyst was making jokes to attempt to lighten the mood between the two. Pearl and Ruby talked about the same things that they had in their first group, and Grimm and Sapphire...they kind of just stared at each-other, Steven wasn't quite sure what they were doing, but at least they weren't in an argument.
"Well, I guess the speed dates were a flop...but we still have one last activity to get to! Choose what you want to do with your date and go do it! After that, I guess you can do whatever! Connie and I didn't plan for this to go so long..." Steven decided that it would be best to call Connie and ask what she thought he could do from there, but that could wait, seeing as all the dates were already back with their partners, speaking about what they should do for the date night. "She'll probably be glad that we made it to this point." Steven thought.

Dang. It's been a while since I've last updated! Thank you all so much for sticking with me for as long as you guys have! I hope you enjoy the new chapter, and I'll be away for a little while, so when I next update I will more than likely publish more than one chapter, I'll see you guys later! Thanks so much for the reads!

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