Forgiven, and Date nights

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Grimm's P.O.V.

Sage is not going to like what I have planned, but she'll hopefully understand. She has to forgive Pear, even I've made my peace with that scary moment, so she should too, right? Yeah, she definitely won't forgive Pear, even if I end up vouching for her. But she'll definitely forgive me if I suddenly say that I forgive Pear! I'm sure of it! And plus I think that she'll be excited once she hears about what Steven has planned for us and the Gems this weekend, he says that it's something called a 'date night?' I think that's what he called it, but he assured me that it would be a fun event for both Borrowers and Gems, it was also an event that Garnet seemed to look forward to, of course I had talked to her about telling Pear that I forgive her, and she said that I should say that right before the 'date night' gets started, and that's tomorrow, so I have to make sure that I have it all planned out so that Sage won't be too mad at me.

(Time Skip to tomorrow, beginning of Date nights)

Well the time for the 'date night' thing is finally here, I made sure that Sage and I are dressed as nicely as we can be, Steven told me that this event would need to be as formal as we can possibly be "Grimm, do we really need to be dressed like this? I mean it's so impractical for if we need to escape quickly." I nod towards Sage, I had tried explaining to her earlier that this was something that we wouldn't be running away from, mainly because Steven had asked me if we would be there and I happened to agree without even attempting to consult Sage on the matter. But even if that didn't get through to her it didn't matter. The outfits we were currently wearing were quite simple, yet elegant in the way that they complemented our looks, my tanned skin, long black hair, and icy blue eyes were all contrasted and enhanced by the white blouse and green skirt that I was currently wearing. Sage was wearing another outfit that I had crafted, seeing as I was in charge of making outfits for us, and her outfit made her look just as beautiful as I thought it would, her light chestnut-brown hair tied up into a ponytail, and about eighty percent of her pale skin was covered by her blue blouse and black pants. I am a great designer, I don't care what anyone says about it. Sage looked at me, her emerald eyes shimmering with uncertainty, she really didn't want to go to this event. "Shouldn't they be here by now? What if she lied to Steven?" A new voice broke me out of my thoughts, I looked towards Sage, who shrugged, signifying that she had never heard this voice before either. "Ruby, calm down, they will be here soon."
"Okay, okay, but why can't we still do this fused?"
"We promised Steven that we would remain un-fused for the entirety of this 'date night'." There was a loud over-exaggerated sigh from the former of the two new voices. I looked towards Sage and she nodded, grabbed my hand and lead me outside our home and into the sights of the two new people.

(Third Persons P.O.V.)

As soon as the Borrowers walked out from underneath the couch the eye(s) of Ruby and Sapphire were on them, two of the nights couples had arrived, and they were just as confused as ever, well except for Sapphire of course, Sapphire always knew what was happening. Luckily they didn't have to keep up their awkward silence for long because Steven walked in with Lapis Lazuli, and Peridot in tow, and Pearl, and Amethyst walked out of their rooms in the temple, tonight's couples were finally all collected in the room. "Steven, what is it you wanted us to come here for? We could've just watched Camp Pining Hearts back at the barn if you really wanted to watch it with us."
"Peridot! I told you that this was because I was having everyone have a date night tonight! If you and Lapis watch Camp Pining Hearts, then that will be the date for you two."
"Steven, I never said I would go on a 'date' with her. But since you asked us to come here we'll stay a while." Lapis shot a quick glare at Peridot, still not ready to completely forgive her for what she did, but was completely content to do what Steven asked of her, seeing as he had already done so much for her. At this point the two Borrowers, of whom had been placed down on the table by Ruby, were extremely confused by the four new people in the house, two of which had yet to even notice their existence, at least until Steven spoke up again "Okay, now that everyone is here, I think we should get introductions out of the way."
"Steven, we all already know each other." Lapis told the young boy
"Yeah, there's Pearl, Amethyst, a Ruby, a Sapphire, and two tiny humans standing on your table. Wait, what?" Peridot had to do a double take of the names she had called out, she knew Pearl, Amethyst, and that the Ruby and the Sapphire were the core parts that made up the fusion, Garnet, but she had never seen or met the two tiny humans, which she assumed were new arrivals to Steven's house. "I believe that Steven was right, introductions are in order here." Lapis nodded, her neutral face giving a hint of confusion, she had never seen humans that were so small, nor did she even know that humans could possibly get to that size. She wondered if Steven could be that small. "Lapis, Peridot, meet Sage and Grimm. Sage, Grimm, meet Lapis and Peridot." The brunette nodded towards the pair, while Grimm excitedly waved. The two gems, not quite knowing how to respond lightly waved over at the two standing on the table. Now that a majority of the confusion was over, Grimm decided that it would be best if she said that Pearl was forgiven now and get it over with, before anything had a chance to get awkward, so she pointed towards Pearl, earning the tall gems attention and quickly blurted out "From both me and Sage, you are forgiven."
"You're going to talk to them to say that!" Sage was clearly mad at Grimm, but was still okay with it, mainly because Grimm was finally speaking aloud again. Pearl spluttered to find the right words, she was happy that they forgave her for scaring them, but confused as to why they were saying this now, she decided that a simple "Thank you." would work best. Before anymore Borrower-Gem communication screwed up the already fragile trust the Borrowers had for them Steven began the 'Date night' activities; Speed dates.


Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait! I'm currently working on the speed dates chapter, so please bare with me if it takes a while to get out, I also have to figure out what another activity for it might be, if you have any possible recommendations, please be sure to tell me. I can't come up with any 'cause I'm a lonely guy, lol. Later guys, thanks for reading! 

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