The Borrowers learn about Fusion

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The next day Steven had woken up feeling refreshed, with all the memories of the date night still in his mind, and with Lapis and Peridot still at the foot of his bed, watching Camp Pining Hearts. He doesn't think that they've moved since last night, but maybe this is what they're idea of a date is? A day and a half long marathon of Camp Pining Hearts. Well Steven wasn't one to judge, so he just let it slide. When he got to the kitchen to make himself some breakfast, he encountered Sage and Grimm, probably out on another borrowing trip. Grimm waved towards Steven and quickly began signing something. "Wait, weren't you just talking yesterday? Why don't you keep speaking?"
"She says yesterday was a special occasion, and she also wants to know who the "Ruby and Sapphire" pair were, and how they somehow turned into Garnet. Which I already told her was that trench-coat trick, but 'noooo, that's not a real thing Sage.'" The last part of her sentence was mainly to herself, but Steven decided to answer the question with what she included at the end as well; "Oh, I think that if we had a trench-coat Garnet wouldn't wear it, but they fused! It's when two gems combine their physical forms into an entirely new person! But whenever I fuse with Connie, it's more both of us...but that's entirely different!" Sage's brow furrowed in confusion "So, Garnet is just two short people stacked on top of each-other?"
"No, she's the love of two gems turned into a completely separate being! I know it can get confuseing, but stick with me while I explain it. Actually, I should get Garnet to explain it to you two, I'll be right back." Sage's brows furrowed more in frustration than before, had he made a pun? From beside her she could hear Grimm laughing "Confuseing. That is the best thing I've ever heard, Sage, have you ever heard something so funny?" Well, at least one of them was having fun with whatever was going through the air today. Very soon after he had left, Steven returned with Garnet in-tow "Okay, Garnet, explain to them what fusion is! I thought you'd be best for this, since you're always so excited to defuse these types of situations." Sage groaned, displaying her frustration with all the puns being thrown around today. Garnet smiled, silently thanking Steven for revealing something that would help her get her point across to Sage, puns, "Okay, lets get this started."

"So, in conclusion, if you were to fuse iron with iron, it would reinforce it, making it steel?" Sage's eyebrows furrowed
"Yes, basically, I would make a joke about that, but someone else already stole it." Grimm had no idea what that was supposed to mean, but she definitely knew that Garnet had emphasized the word stole for some reason, she looked towards her girlfriend for a more clear understanding. Instead she found that Sage looked completely fed up with whatever was going on, not only had the explanation been full of jokes, but apparently it would be ending off with one as well.

Hey guys! Sorry it took so long for me to get this little chapter out, while I was working on chapter 19, I completely forgot about publishing this chapter. Once again sorry about that, but thank you all so much for giving me nearly 1k reads! It means so much to me!! Also on a little side note, I was thinking I should maybe change the cover, if anyone has any ideas about it, please message me. Again it means so much that you guys read and enjoy this, thanks for your time, and I hope you enjoy this

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