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This year everyone has a bad case of the flu. I don't have it, but many people do. That includes my Mom and sister.

We came back home from a day of school. I wanted to check on Daddy.

I picked up my phone and called him. He picked up on the third ring. "Hey, how are you." "I'm good Daddy. How are you and everyone else?" He sighed. "Paige is sick." "Poor baby she has been sick for a long time." "I know. Everyone here has the flu." "I see." I said, " See you next weekend." "See you..." I hung up. He sounded weak and tired.

The house was filled with a weird noise. It came from Mom's bedroom. Her phone made the same noise I heard before. She was asleep. My sister and her sleep a lot now. I picked up her phone. In a white rectangle black writing announced school is closed for at least a month. I cheered silently in my mind. Thinking back now I shouldn't​ have done that. Then I noticed other white rectangles under the one I just read. They announced "flu" kills this person and that person. If you have it, there is no cure. They also gave several instructions that would not help very much on how to care for the person that has the sickness.

The information from science class that I pushed back in my mind popped out to the front of my mind. I'm trying not to worry. I follow the so not helpful instructions and I start to call my grandparents.

I asked if they had the flu. They said yes. I asked my other pair of grandparents. They had the flu too. I called every single relative that was alive. They all had the flu.

I turned my attention to my Mom. I'll call my friends later I thought.

My sister was sleeping on the couch. I put my sister in her bed. If you can picture a 15 year old taking care of two people in a dark house, that's what I looked like.

I never thought this would happen. If everyone with the 'flu' is dying, what will happen to Mom and my sister. Then I realized I might be left and be alone. I pushed every thought from my head and let go of all my emotions. I detach myself completely and only took care of Mom and my sister.

2018: The Pandemic Where stories live. Discover now