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"My leg has an infection. Also meet my friend Rider." I said the bad news first and fast hoping no one would hear the news.

"Why didn't you tell this to me or Rider?" Of course Brendan had to listen to me at that very moment.

"Because...Just because."

"Give me a real answer!" Wow he was mad because I didn't tell him. I didn't know he actually cared if I got sick or not. "Waverly!?"

"Why would you care?" I crossed my arms. He took a step forward.

"Because we are friends."

"Makes since." I didn't want to continue this conversation. At this point of my adventure if you can even call it an adventure I just wanted to find medication for my leg.

Autumn's pov

Waverly's news angered me in a way. She should have told someone! I thought of the hospital that was a few miles away. "We need to go to the hospital."

"It's so far away though. Will the younger ones be strong enough for the journey?" Waverly quickly turned down my idea, but I was not going to give up.

"They will be fine, but I don't know about you. We could even let Brendan and Rider stay and watch them."

"No. We will go together always. We won't split up again."

Brendan's pov

The group voted on leaving tomorrow. Everyone including Waverly are gathering stuff together and deciding to leave this and that. Waverly tried her best even though she had to take several breaks. By the end of the day everyone was wore out. Sleep came fast and easy. Waking up was full of excitement. After we got up we started on the journey to help Waverly.

2018: The Pandemic Where stories live. Discover now