Planning 2

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Autumn's pov:

This time she showed her emotion. She only detached herself from Brendan's comment. She will go through the stages of grief like I did. Now it's time to accept that my family died. Wait a minute she is going to find an enemy. She will pick Brendan because he didn't want to come. He delayed her from saving her mom and sister. I got to warn Brendan.

While Waverly was looking off in space, I signaled to Brendan to follow me. At first he wouldn't come. Then the second time I signaled for him to come he came.


"I know you are going through grief like all of us, but Waverly is going to blame you."

"For what I didn't do anything."

"To her you delayed her."

"I don't believe you."

I heard the door open. Waverly walked toward us. "You got one part right Autumn. I'm going to blame someone, but not Brendan."

"Who are you going to blame?"

"Autumn, I'm going to blame myself. I could of stayed, but I left. This my burden and no one else's."

Her answer gave her an air of understanding and maturity. This girl's world fell apart and her reaction for it is a mature answer. She will kept on going and face all odds. I noticed the deep dark purple half moons under her eyes. Then I knew I would be okay because she will save us. The determination gushed out of her.

Waverly's pov

Time to make a plan. "I think we should gather as much stuff that we need from my house and go to Brendan's house. I still need to check on my aunt and uncle next door though." Everyone agreed with this plan. Autumn put in that if my aunt and uncle was okay we could stay at their house.

"Anyone want to come with me?" Jackson wanted to. I held his hand as we walked side by side. We arrived at my uncle's and aunt's house. I knocked on the door. Only my cousins Eva and Lacy came.

"Thank goodness you are here Waverly. We were just about to head your way. Where's your mom."

" Dead."

"Everyone at our house is dead too."

"Let's get some supplies and go to my house okay."


Hey guys this is the author speaking. I just wanted to ask a few questions.

1. How do you feel about the book so far?

2. What do you think about the characters Waverly, Brendan, Jackson, and Autumn?

3. Does anyone want to add something to the book? Ex. New characters

2018: The Pandemic Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang