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Brendan's pov

You know you can tell me anything. Waverly's voice told me over and over. She was sitting beside me looking at the moon. The moon's soft glow reflected into her eyes. I squirmed around nervously. Should I tell her? I can't. I made my mind not to tell her and a quick glimpse showed me a great scene of pain. Blood was on the ground where two bodies layed. Everything seemed to have a tint of yellow. I felt pain that I only felt when my parents died. Waverly was there to. She was behind me. It looks like she is shielding me for some reason. Autumn was running ahead. Then I felt a sharp pain in my ribcage. I woke up breathing heavily. The sun was peaking over the treeline. Autumn was up walking around.

"Did you get any sleep at all?" I asked.

"No. What about you? You seemed to have troubled dreams."

"My dreams were perfectly fine."


Later on I dosed off again. I woke up to the sun streaming through the trees. "You're​ finally up!" Waverly said cheerfully.

"I could say the same to you." She gave me a questioning look, but let the conversation drop. "Where's Kaitlyn and Jackson?"

"Kaitlyn wanted to go into the woods. I sent Jackson with her. Safety in numbers!"

"Oh crap." Waverly probably gave me another questioning look, but I was gone before I could check.


I ran into the woods looking for my siblings. Branches hit me in my face, arms, and legs. Waverly and Autumn followed behind me for I could hear the quick thud of their footsteps. "Over there!" Waverly called out. I could see Kaitlyn's head bobbing up and down through the forest.

"Kaitlyn! Jackson!" I called in a panicked​ voice. They must have heard the urgency in my voice because she stopped and turned around. We caught up with them and I looked around. "You need to stay with one of us for now on okay?"

"Waverly let us go. You can't boss me around anyway!" Kaitlyn snarled at me.

"I am not trying to boss you around! I have a reason!"

"Then let's here it then." She crossed her arms. Everyone was looking at me.

"I uh..."

"That's what I thought!" She sneered.

"Kaitlyn let's have a talk shall we?" Waverly walked back to camp with Kaitlyn following her. Kaitlyn turned around once and stuck her tong out at me. I huffed. She is so annoying!

Waverly's pov

I led Kaitlyn south of the camp to a little brook. A huge gray rock was clinging to a side of the brook. We both sat on it. I relaxed in the warming sunlight. I wondered how to start this conversation. "What do you think about love?" She asked sundenly.

"Love?" She nodded. "Your thoughts must jump around a lot! Are you ADHD?"

"What! No! Well... I don't know!"

"Eh, I'm just pulling your leg. Don't get your emotions in a twist."


"You're asking a lot of questions. They are way to complicated for the likes of me."

"Try your best." Her blue eyes pierced through me. "The love question first please!"

"Fine..." I huffed. This conversation was not the one I had in mind. "Love is a fraigle thing. In my opinion​ it's horrible..."


"Kid, one question at a time! It hurts when treated in a wrong way."

"Hmmmmm... Who did that to you?"

"Dude! This is getting personal."

"Tell me!"


"Fine... You still have another question to answer." I sighed.

"It's my turn to ask the questions now. You know your brother has a reason to his madness."

"When you fine the reason, I would be glad to know."

"This is something you must figure out yourself. Sorry kid."

"Fine if you don't want to help me then leave!"

"Fine!" I left with a brisk walk forgetting that Brendan said don't leave them alone. I ran strait into Brendan. He is shorter than me, so his whole face was hit.

He rubbed his forehead. "That hurt..."

"Are you okay?" I gasped. I didn't want to hurt my friends.

"Yes, where is Kaitlyn?"

"She is by the brook."


I hesitated. "Yes..." I said slowly. He ran past me to the brook. Brendan gasped. Still at the place where we ran into eachother I ran after him.

Brendan's pov

The guy covered in black pointed a gun at my sister's head. Another one had my brother and Autumn was struggling against another guy. Waverly ran beside me. "We never get a break, do we?"

"Never." I agreed.

"You didn't help us!" The guy with the gun to my sister's head said. "Now your sister gets it."

"First why would I do anything for you! Second you didn't tell me to do anything!"

"You are right, but we don't listen to reason!" I huffed. 'We don't listen to reason!' Really?

Waverly stepped in front of me. "Well you will listen to this. Let them go!" She screamed. She destracted the one holding Autumn and Autumn broke free from him. She ran over to us and slid behind Waverly.

"I will fight them, but with their guns this is the safest place to be."

I tilted my head to the side. "Why to use Waverly's body as a shield? Thanks Wave, and I think we can live with your sacrifice!"

Waverly laughed. "You thought..." The guy that recently held Autumn shot Waverly.

The world seemed to stop as the thought of losing my friend took over my mind. She stood there. She didn't even flinch. I gasped. "What in the world!"

"What in the world indeed my friend." A familiar voice said. Waverly's shoulders tensed. Rider came into view and he took out the person who shot at Waverly. "Are you going to help me or not?" It was too late. The guy with the gun to my sister's head pulled the trigger. The other guy turned Jackson's head into a wierd angle and Jackson fell to the ground. I fell to the ground like Jackson and my world around me. I gaped at the two bodies in front of me. Waverly and Autumn dragged me to who knows where. I could only think of the scene that just recently happened.

2018: The Pandemic Where stories live. Discover now