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Remembering that feeling hurt Scarlett, it hurt her in so many ways. Her heart was now heavy and filled with pain as she stared down at Leo in his hospital bed. She just wanted to cry seeing Leo so weak and feeling useless. He was surround by tube, he looked so fragile. She just wanted to hold him and make everything better. There was only one noise in the room and that was the steady beep of Leo's heart monitor. She had listened to that same beep for hours and hours. She was always scared that the beep was going to slow down or stop. The beeping was the only thing that assured her Leo was ok. To her it was the sound of happiness because it meant Leo wasn't going any where and he was still here. The sound was soothing because she listened to it when she fell asleep, pillow propped under her head and it felt like she was falling asleep on Leo's chest. Just like she used to before all the rubbish happened.

It had been a week since Leo had been awake and Scarlett missed him. He had now been in hospital for a month. Scarlett hadn't left the hospital this week, she had stayed there day and night. She didn't want to miss a moment with him but he hadn't woke up yet. This devastated Scarlett because people thought he wouldn't wake up and that would mean she would never see him again. Scarlett still had hope unlike the doctors and her friends. As she thought of her friends she realised how incredibly lonely she was. Her days consisted of loneliness, the doctors and nurses popped in but they didn't stay for long. She couldn't have a full conversation with them because they were busy and they had work to do.

There was a knock at the door that pulled Scarlett out of her thoughts. Lillian one of the only nurses Scarlett properly spoke to popped her head in. She smiled at Scarlett and sat down next to her on the empty seat, "Honey shouldn't you go get some food?" She asked Scarlett. "No I have a good feeling about today and I really don't want to leave him" Scarlett mumbled. Lillian gave Scarlett a look filled with sympathy and sadness. Everyone in the hospital felt sorry for Scarlett and they all wanted to help her. Lillian reached across and squeezed Scarlett's hand, giving her a small smile. Scarlett returned the smile but then resumed her position looking at Leo. She didn't want to look away, scared she would miss something. She wanted to remember every part of his face. So she sat almost like a statue staring at him all day long.

"You know he's slipping further away don't you?" Lillian wondered. "Yes but today feel different" Scarlett admitted. She was scared, she didn't want Leo to slip further away. She didn't want to admit that she was losing him because once she admitted it, she knew it would feel too real and she would have to face up to the fact she might lose Leo. So she kept hope, she had too. Scarlett couldn't give up on Leo, he wouldn't give up on her. "If you say so" Lillian muttered as she turned round and walked back out, leaving Scarlett alone again. The room was silent as Scarlett thought of what Lillian had said. Was she the only one who thought he might get better, was she the only one with hope. It seemed that way, she was alone.

You see Lillian was a nurse at the hospital. She was the oldest nurse that worked there and she was like a grandma to everyone. She was the only nurse who always had time for Scarlett. She comforted Scarlett and told her it would all be ok in the end and that if it wasn't ok then it wasn't the end. Lillian was filled with words of wisdom and she always shared those words with Scarlett. Sometimes the words would make Scarlett happy and give her hope but other times Scarlett didn't believe what Lillian was saying. Sometimes Lillian's words would give Scarlett doubt and she didn't know what to do any more. What should she do, there was hardly any hope left. No one hoped any more they had all given up.

Everyone even Scarlett knew that it wouldn't be ok but at the moment Scarlett refused to believe it. She didn't want to believe it, she wanted a perfect rainbow in life. She didn't want storm clouds and bumps. She wanted to be on a smooth road to a happy ending but this road was twisted. Life wasn't fair it was cruel and sometimes it sucked. For Ruby life was like a nightmare right now, she just wanted to wake up from it but she couldn't. Everything was bad right now and she felt doomed. So she was trying to remember the good, that would make her happy and it would take away some of the pain.

They couldn't take away her memories. She tried to remember all the good, all the things that were great. She was trying to remember the thing that once were, all the good. She sat in the room remembering how they first got together.

A life time of loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora