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Leo and Scarlett had been working together for two months now. They had a great friendship, they were the best of friends. She had made friends with everyone at work and all her friends could see the love between her and Leo. They saw the emotions in Leo's eyes when he looked down at Scarlett and they could tell that they loved each other. Leo and Scarlett refused to believe what was there, if they admitted there feelings then that would be end of life as they knew it. They were scared to admit what was there because then everything would be real. They were both so stubborn.

That all changed though. One late night after closing hours, Leo decided to do something about it. He wanted to confess his love and admit what was deep inside. He was like a boiling pot of water and his emotions were about to spill over. He wanted to shout his love from the roof tops and scream it to the world. So he found a table in the restaurant and set it up. He laid down a white table cloth and covered the table in red roses. He wanted to make this moment as romantic as possible and make this moment memorable. Leo wanted Scarlett to remember this moment forever, make It something romantic and unforgettable.

He ran into the kitchen to find Scarlett, he was feeling nervous and excited. Nervous because what if she didn't like it, what if it wasn't what she wanted and she hated it. He was excited because this night could decide his future, it could lead him down the road of love. He grabbed Scarlett's hand and gently led her through the restaurant. He led her right up to the front table. To say she was shocked would be an understatement. As well as the roses there were candles. The candles were all over the floor, there oranges flames glowing. Leo used red roses to show his love for Scarlett. She was happy, shocked and confused all at the same time. What was going on?

A small gasp escaped Scarlett's lips at the thought that someone had gone through this much trouble just for her. Leo pulled her over to the table and now she was standing right in front of it. The smell of the flowers filled the air and it smelt marvellous. Scarlett looked at the table and on the table was a small box. The box was black and made of velvet and her name was written on top of it. Scarlett was overwhelmed with emotion, no-one had ever done anything like this for her before. She was filled with happiness and she couldn't help but smile. It was so sweet of Leo to do this for her.

Scarlett picked the box up and started at it. She hesitated to open it but then her curiosity got the better of her. She slowly flipped the lid of the box and gold sequins flew out at her. All of them blowing through the air, slowly tumbling down to the ground. A small pile of glitter forming on the floor, sparkling in the light. In the middle of the box was a small folded piece of paper. Scarlett carefully placed the box back on the table and turned her attention back to the piece of paper. Leo was watching every move Scarlett made and it made him happy seeing the smile on her face. He watched as she did everything with care and that made him smile because she had a heart filled with care.  He knew she was the one for him.

She un-folded the piece of paper. As she opened it the words 'go on a date with me please?' were written in black cursive letters. She smiled after she read it and her stomach filled with butterflies. She had wanted to go out with Leo since she first met him but she didn't know how to ask him and she was scared. She looked up at Leo who was smiling at her as she said "yes." Relief washed over Leo as he heard those words leave Scarlett's lips. He was so excited and happy. He had finally asked Scarlett something he had been waiting to ask her. It was the answer he wanted and the answer he hoped for. Scarlett then walked over to Leo and wrapped her arms tightly around him. She held him as tightly as she could.

As they stood there in that moment nothing else mattered. It was the two of them and they didn't care what happened next, as long as they were with each other they were fine. In that second it was just Leo and Scarlett, nothing else mattered. Everything else could wait, everything else wasn't important. The two of them in that moment was the only important thing.

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