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It was their nine month anniversary and everything was perfect. They had spent the whole day relaxing on the couch eating ice cream and relaxing together. It wasn't a posh dinner but it was perfect. As long as they were together they didn't care what they did, every moment was perfect. Leo had just left to go and get Scar's present. Scar was sat at home holding a box and it that box was a Rolex something Leo had always wanted. He hadn't given any hint as to what her present was, so she was in the dark. She wondered what he could have got her but this was Leo and no-one would know what he'd pull out.

Scar sat alone for a little while until her phone started to ring. The caller ID said Leo, "Hey babe I'm on my way home" He told her. "Ok I can't wait" She replied. "Me neither I love you" he said, "and I love you" she said before he hung up. She was now excited Leo would be here soon and she couldn't wait to see his face when he opened his present. Scar loved Leo with all her heart and she would do anything for him. She'd die in order for him to live another day and Leo would do the same for her. It was a love like no other. She sat there waiting for Leo.

Scar was now starting to get really worried because Leo had been on his way home for nearly two hours. It was never like him to not call or tell her if he was running late. She had tried ringing him but his phone went straight to voicemail. She began pacing round the living room and biting her nails, she was getting anxious. She felt like something wasn't right in her bones, she had this strange feeling inside of her but she couldn't figure out what it was. It wasn't a nice feeling, that's what made her worry even more. It was a horrible feeling, something she hadn't felt before and she began to panic.

There was a loud knock at the door pulling Scar from her thoughts and it made Scar stop her pacing. "Forget your keys honey " she called as she answered the door. A gasp escaped her lips when she looked up, it wasn't Leo. It was the police. "Is it Leo?" she asked one of the officers, "yes miss" he answered. She knew something wasn't right and she was now panicking. Scar opened the door and let them in. They all took a seat on the sofa where her and Leo had laid a few hours earlier. She saw sympathy on both of the officers faces and this made her chest start to tighten. She knew it was bad.

The police officer explained how Leo was driving home when another car hit him straight on. It was a drunk driver who hit Leo and that driver died on impact. Leo however was being driven to an intensive care unit as they spoke because he had hit his head and could have damaged his brain or have internal bleeding. She gasped, her Leo was hurt and it was bad. She couldn't believe what was happening and it was all a shock to her. Everything had been going great, well it had been amazing and life was as perfect as it could be. Scar thought she was finally going to get her happy ending but life isn't a fairy-tale.  Nothing was that simple.

The police drove her to the hospital, so that she could get there quicker. As she entered everything felt so real, they led her down the halls and stopped outside Leo's room. She hesitated to go in but then turned the handle in there was a resting Leo. Tubes were all around him, he looked bruised and beaten. His heart monitor quietly beating. That was when Scar broke down and cried. He was hurt and she couldn't do anything about it. Her perfect little world had finally come crashing down on her and it felt like everything had just crumpled.

She sat there staring at Leo hoping she would wake up and be back home. She would be lying in Leo's arms but this nightmare was real and was her reality. she stared at the hurt boy in front of her and she wondered how such a perfect anniversary could turn into such a tragedy. Staring at Leo in his hospital bed made Scar realised her feelings even more and she knew that their love was unbreakable, He was her life, her everything and her safe haven.

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