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Sixty years later Scar sat there in her hospital bed just as Leo had. She told her son the story of love loads and now he was passing it on to his children now. Scar had just finished telling the story again and she made her son promise he would visit Leo all the time. "I still love Leo with all my heart" she whispered as her heart monitor went dead.

All Scar could see was white. "I told you I'd wait for you" said a familuar voice. "Leo" Scar gasped as she ran into the arms of Leo the angel. They stood there like they did years ago, sharing one of their moments. One where it was just them nothing else. "You didn't move on?" Leo asked Scar. "How could I my heart always has and always will belong to you" She told him. "What now?" Scar wondered. "We live the life we should have" Leo said. See when Scar went into the nothingness she chnaged from being old back into her nineteen year old self.

They held hands and went off to live the life thay should have ahd together. There love was eternal. There goodbyes were never a last goodbye. They always met again. They would always meet.

So guys that's the end of another book. Please if it's not too much trouble could you go back and like or comment the chapter or both. I would really appriciate it.

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