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Scarlett's eyes filled with tears at the memory everything had changed. That was over a year ago now and they missed their anniversary due to the accident. She missed him so much and she was going to miss him even more if he left her. She couldn't think about that though, she didn't want to. It was all too real and too scary. He couldn't leave her and she wouldn't leave him. Life would be nothing without him and she would be lost. She didn't want to live the rest of her life being lost and alone.

Her phone began to vibrate in her pocket, she pulled it out and the caller ID said Mum. She hadn't spoken to her mum in a while. "Hey mum" Ruby answered, "Hey honey how are you?" Her mum asked. "I'm coping the best I can but I'm hurting really bad mum" She admitted. "Oh baby what about Leo? "She questioned, "he's not doing so well, there not sure how long he's got left and we don't know if he's going to wake up" Scarlett told her mum. "I'll hope for a miracle, how are his friends dealing with it?" she wondered. "They still haven't come back" Scarlett replied. "Call them they have a right and if not you will regret it trust me I have to go ok best of luck" Her mum said. "Bye mum" Scarlett whispered as she hung up.

Scarlett had finally admitted that everything wasn't ok. She was hurting really bad and she could physically feel herself breaking. Her body felt heavy like it was being weighed down with anchors. She had a whole in the middle and the whole wasn't healing at all. She knew that if she lost Leo it would never heal and she would be stuck broken for the rest of her life. Leo was always the one to fix her and no-one else could. So If Leo left she would be left with permanent damage and no-one would be able to help. The whole would just grow bigger every minute she spent without him and the time wouldn't heal the wound because the longer she spent without Leo the more miserable she became. Sometimes time couldn't heal a wound and it would just make it hurt more and more.

For Scarlett losing Leo would be the end. He was he whole life and her everything, she couldn't imagine life without him. They did everything together and they were inseparable from the moment they laid eyes on one another. For them life wasn't about the i's it was about the us because everything was about the two of them. Life was about spending time with the one you love and not wasting a moment but being in the moment. So what was the point in doing something alone and being miserable when they could be together and have the time of their lives. Scarlett couldn't imagine doing things alone, it had been the two of them for so long that it would be weird doing certain things alone.

So Scarlett pulled out her phone and dialled their friends numbers. She knew they needed to be here because it might be the end soon. She didn't know exactly what she was going to say but they should see there friend or else she would feel guilty. They deserved to say goodbye as much as she did and she actually wanted them there. They might be able to help her and make her forget about the pain for a minute. Talking helped her ignore the pain in her chest. She sat there remembering how Leo gave her, her nickname.

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