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Scar sat there in the church, Ellie Goulding how long will I love you playing in the background; As Leo's coffin carried by his friends was brought to the front. Scar looked up at the coffin and realised that this was goodbye. This was her last chance to say a proper goodbye and she couldn't help but frown at that thought. Today really was the end. The funeral director came in and said a few words about Leo's life . "Scarlett is now going to say a few words" He told everyone.

Scar made her way over to the stand and began "You guys didn't know Leo like I did, he was himself with me. He was kind, caring and he had such a warm heart. It was impossible not to love him, I couldn't help but fall for him. He treated me like a princess and we really did love each other. I loved him so much, so, so much. He was not only my boyfriend but he was my best friend as well. Now I've lost everything except our memories and one day when I'm old they will be the only thing I have. I will forget how he smelt, how he sounded and how he held me but I will always remember what we did together and what happened with us. Our moments will always remain in my memory because they are so great I couldn't forget them, it would be impossible to forget them" she paused and let out a sob.

"He was always there for me, we spoke for hours and he helped me fix everything. He was my shoulder to cry on, he hugged me and told me everything was going to be ok. He was my rock. I feel lost and I still think that one day he'll walk in the door with that incredible smile and just hug me but he won't. He fought for me and stopped me hurting and I couldn't do the same for him and I feel useless, I feel like I've let him down but I am thankful for the days we got together. I got to see him one last time and we got to say a proper goodbye, I know that one day I will see him again because he promised me we would. Leo would never break a promise with me and although he's gone he lives on in all of us. Sometimes I walk past places we used to go to together and I see us sitting there and I replay the memory again over in my head. Leo's at peace now and although he was a fighter in the end he couldn't keep fighting. He's gone now and I won't hear his voice or wake up never to him in the morning. We will all miss him so much. I love you Leo" Scar finished. She then started walking back to her seat..

Her friends picked up Leo, she and all the others followed them out to the grave. Leo was lowered into it and they all grabbed a handful of dirt to put on top of him. Then Scar knelt down and placed a rose in his grave. "I love you Leo forever and always, it's only goodbye for a little while" she mumbled.

As Scar walked away more tears flowed down her face, this was goodbye. She knew Leo was not coming back and it was time to face the facts, no matter how hard it was. Leo was gone. It was time to face the truth. No matter if it was painful for her. Scar got into her car and broke down into sobs, it was the end for Leo but not for their love.

"Goodbye" Scar whispered as she pulled away from the church.

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