New Place

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It's been a day since I have arrived to my aunt's place. It always takes me some time to get settled in a new place. So now I'm finding all these unfimiliar voices very weird or I could say spooking.

I decide to get ready for the day and help my aunt in kitchen. After bathing  now I'm standing in front of the mirror wearing a pair of dark washed shorts and white tank top. I flipped my hair in my usual bun because they always gets on my eyes. So now I'm ready for the day.

I make my way towards the kitchen which is on the down floor and where my aunt is preparing pancakes for breakfast.

"Hey. I see you are a morning person." My aunt said as she see me standing on the staircase.

"Yes" I replied in a small voice. No matter how much she loves me but it will take time for me to get used to her. I make my way  to help her but she dismissed me cheerfully.

"Don't bother it's almost finished" she said referring to the pancake. "You should take a walk in the neighbourhood and get yourself familiar with it. I don't want you getting lost or something". She said with a smile and waved me outside the house.

I forced my leg up and out to step foot on the dark pavement of the road. My aunt's house was the newest on the half-circle street, tucked away behind a forest near a new highway. There were only twenty homes in the neighbourhood.

     I stomped my other foot onto the road, turned left and started walking . The wind swept up around my face and I tucked my head down to brace myself against it. I walked around for ten minutes and then make my way towards my aunt's house for breakfast.

      After breakfast my aunt asked me to make a list of stationary that I want for school. Yes, I was starting my new semester tomorrow. My heart was pounding so hard that it felt like it was going to burst. Images of my previous school floted in my head. I don't want to experience the same kind of situation again. I just want to be invisible and start this new semester without any drama.

I tried to block the depressing images out of my mind but failed to. It took me almost fifteen minutes to calm my nerves and start working on the list. After completing my list I went for shopping with my aunt and bought all the necessary items that were required for tomorrow.

I got my schedule for this semester earlier this morning which was sent by the school. She registered me and choose all the subjects on my behalf as I was still in Illinois at that time.
I swallowed as iI read my schedule for this smester.

Homeroom Room- 135
AP English- trailor 10
AP Geometry
AP World History
AP Biology


We were required to choose six or seven subjects but I only got Five because all the classes were full and some classes were reserved for higher classes. The school contacted my aunt and told her that I was required to make my presence in front of the reception early morning to reschedule my classes. So, my aunt agreed on taking me school tomorrow to help me out in rescheduling my classes and I was grateful for that.
Now thinking ahead to the upcoming year, it seemed overwhelming.  Maybe it was a mistake to leave Illinois or maybe not.
I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight.


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