The Hunter

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I was walking in a forest alone. As I walked, I felt the strangest sensation that someone was following me, or that something sinister was in the woods. I did not want to turn around and look behind me. I gulped, I heard something. I paused from the walking and turned my head to look behind.

As I had predicted, someone had been following me -- A man in dark clothes. He was coming towards me. My pulse quickened from fright. I turned around and ran away from him. I ran and ran.

I glanced back to see if he was still following me but seconds later my body collided with a person. When I looked up, he was standing right before me. He looked directly in my eyes and smiled sinisterly. I shivered under his gaze. Tears fell from my eyes because I was scared of him.

'Finally' he said and kissed me. I let out a scream.....


I woke up warm and sweaty with electricity flowing through me and I wanted to scream from his touch. His touch was still lingering on my arms and my lips...

It was the second time in a weak that I saw him again in my dreams. Those dark blue eyes still haunted me. I felt tears on my cheeks. I blinked and sat up, holding myself for a second or two, since the room wanted to spin around me.

I fighted off the last of that strange drowsiness, pushed back the covers and slowly walked towards the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. When I looked at my reflection in the mirror, I found my eyes bloodshot red. I looked so weak but not broken.

Why can't I leave my past behind?  I asked myself. If only I could go back and change one thing- the day when I first met him. If only I could only tell the truth. The girl I was then was just the girl who trusted the wrong person.


I didn't leave my room today. Not for breakfast, lunch... anything. Aunt June came to my room to ask what happened but I told her that I was tired. She didn't asked me any further questions and left me alone. She knew that I was struggling or something was up but she decided to give me some space and I was thankful for that.

The whole day I felt that something bad was going to happen. Very bad. Something that I wasn't ready to face.


I woke up the next morning and the strange feeling was still there. I was scared as hell. I felt like skipping school today but I knew better. Skipping school means answering everyone why I was absent and lying and I was the worst person at lying.

With the same bad feeling, I dressed up for the school. I decided to wear a black skirt and white blouse, today. I hated Monday mornings.


The first few periods were slow and nothing bad happened. I guess I was just overreacting because of the dream I had. Finally, I relaxed. I convinced myself that nothing bad was going to happen.

I was in my history class and the class seemed to drag on forever. The whole period we all worked from the sheets. It was almost like doing a test. I flipped the worksheet over, only to find another one. I was bored.

Finally, the bell rang, and it was time for lunch. North and Victor walked with me to the cafeteria and then we parted our ways to get to our tables.

'Hey' I said, when I reached the table. Everyone was already sitting there.

'Hey.' They all said in unison. I took my seat between Meredith and Ella. Karen and Noha was sitting opposite to us.

'Sang, Guess what?' Ella said, enthusiastically 'It's the most brilliant news.'

'It's not at all brilliant.' Noha said in a mean tone and looked at me 'Ignore her.'

'Someone is jealous.' Karen said to Noha, playfully. He let out a defeated sigh.

'What's the news?' I asked.

'Oh..oh... Today a new kid joined our English class and he's cute.' Ella said and blushed a little. New kid? I looked at Karen but she seemed obvious to this news.

'And he's in our History class too' Meredith said but she didn't seemed as thrilled as her sister.

'I didn't catched his name but his last name was Stone. Maybe.' Ella said. STONE? It can't be. It's just a coincidence, he can't be here.

'Sang, are you alright?' Noha asked, concerned. I nodded at him. I'm just overreacting, I told myself. There are hundreds of people whose last name is Stone. It's just a coincidence. I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself.

Karen stood up from her seat and said 'I need to go to the library, so I'll see you guys later.'

'I'll come with you.' I said, quickly. I needed some fresh air. I couldn't let everyone think that I wasn't okay. I got up from my seat and walked towards the library with Karen.

We walked in silence till we reached the library. Karen busied herself in geometry section, so I decided to look for some novels. I walked to the other side of the library where fiction novel's were kept. The library was empty and a little dark. It was just me, Karen and the librarian, who was busy in her desk.

I felt someone's presence behind me but when I turned around, there was no one. I was scared, so I decided to go back to Karen but when I was about to turn again, someone grabbed me from behind. I gasped, panic rising inside me. Before I even had the chance to struggle, I was pushed even at darkest side of the library. Within a flick second, I was pinned up against the wall.

My lungs stung because I was holding my breath. I felt like a scared little girl again.

'Hey, baby doll' I instantly recognized his voice. Clarence. Clarence Stone. My breathing stopped. It can't be. No. He can't be here. My hands shook with fear, my heart pounded painfully. What was he doing here?

'I was hoping to find you on your own.' It was dark, so I wasn't able to see his face clearly. But I could imagine him smirking sinisterly.

My stomach turned and skin crawled. It was like a thousand bugs were running all over my body. Even his voice brought back the painful memories I was trying to suppress. I felt tears on my cheeks.

Clarence leant towards me and I recoiled in horror. Oh god, he was trying to touch me AGAIN. I could fell his breath on my neck.

Don't be a victim again... I repeated this in my head and used every ounce of anger and pain I had built up inside and shoved his muscular chest so hard that my arms ached. He stumbled backwards and let out a series of curses.

'Bit**!' He tried to grab me again but I scurried past him and ran outside from the back doors of the library.

My knees felt weak and eyes blurred with tears but I still didn't stopped. I ran and ran until I slammed into someone. My head hitted his toned chest and I breathed deeply from the adrenaline rushing through me. I tried to hit whoever he was but with his arms out, he seized me around the waist. I tried to free myself but he didn't let go.

'Calm down, it's me.' a familiar voice  said. His booming voice radiated and I finally looked up. A deep set of brown eyes met mine. North. 


A/N :

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SEE THE COVER PIC. He's Clarence Stone.

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