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Finally it was Friday. The last day of the the school and then weekend. I thought of visiting my mom and dad but I couldn't bring myself to ask my aunt. I wasn't ready to face Illinois. My past. The people. I wasn't ready.

Today during lunch Meredith and Ella invited me and Karen over to their sleepover party.  Just four of us. I never ever had a sleepover before, so I told them that I'll ask my aunt first. Of course she said yes and even packed my supplies. She was more excited than I was.

At 7:00 p.m, she dropped me off to Meredith and Ella's house. It took us half n hour to reach there. Their house was large and immaculate. White columns in the front and perfectly manicured lawn and two luxury vehicles parked outside. I hugged my aunt before waving her good bye.

My fingers tingled after I rang their doorbell. The door was opened by a woman who looked in her thirties. She was pretty, her thick blond hair falling in waves and blue eyes. She was dressed in cream colored blazer covering a black shirt and jeans.

'Hey! You must be Sang, right?' She asked, smiling. She looked happy to see me.

'Yes.' I nodded shyly.

'I'm Gwen. Come on in.' She said and ushered me inside the house.

The house was very beautiful from inside. Just perfect. There were family photos on the walls. Everything felt welcoming just like Kota's house.

'They all are upstairs. Go up from these stairs and turn right.' Gwen said, sweetly.

I heard karen voice as I came closer to Meredith or Ella's room.  I thought that how much they both looked just like their mother, considering the fact that they were both step sisters.

'Sounds horrible.' Karen said, pulling a face.

'What?' I asked as l came into the room. They all looked at me and smiled. Meredith was sitting on the room's sofa where Ella and karen were lying on the floor. The whole room was painted in pink and white balloons were sprawled on the floor. The table was full of snacks.

'Getting your belly button pierced.' Karen said and Meredith nodded in agreement. She scoot over a little, on her sofa and motioned me to come sit with her. I walked towards her, careful not to burst any balloons.

'Come on! It's a great idea and it won't even hurt.' Ella whined.

'How do you know?' I asked her.

'Candice from my English class had hers done. She was telling me earlier this evening. She said they put stuff on your tummy that kind of freezes it so you don't feel anything.' She explained.

'But still you shouldn't get your's done. You are still not 18.' Karen said.

'She's right, Ella.' Meredith said before getting up and handing me a diet coke from the mini bar.

'Sang, what do you think?' Ella asked me with a puppy face. I giggled.

'They both are right.' I said to her, sympathetically.

'No, no,' she cried, rolling on the floor.

'Stop acting like a child, Ella.' Karen said, laughing. Moments later we all joined her. We ate our snacks while Meredith gossiped about a girl who was dating a guy, twice her age.

After that we all painted each other nails. I chose a nude pink color and Ella painted my nails. Karen got her nails painted in burgundy color, Ella painted hers in black and Meredith chose a neon yellow color.

We spent the whole night in sopping news, eating, playing board games and braiding each other hairs.

'I've got a quiz to try out on you,' karen said, flopping on the sofa, right next to me. Meredith and I scoot over a little to give her space. 'I've already  tried this on Meredith and Ella. It's your turn now.'

'Okay.' I said, confused.

'You have to think of your three favorite animals' karen said.' Then remember them in order. Tell me when you have got them.'

'OK, ready.' I said.

'Say them out loud and why you picked them.'

'Cats because they are elegant and independent. Leopards because they are beautiful and dogs because they are loyal.

Ella and Meredith laughed.

'What' I asked. 'What's so funny?'

'Ok.' Karen said, grinning. 'I'll tell you what it means now. Your first choice was how you see yourself.....'

'I don't think I'm elegant.' I said.

'Bullshit! You're the most elegant girl in our whole school.' Ella said and Meredith nodded in agreement.

'Ok, what do the other choices mean?' I asked.

'Second one is how others see you and the last one is how you really are.'

'And now please don't say that you are not beautiful, because you totally are.' Meredith said.

'And loyal too.' Ella chipped in. I looked down at my because I didn't think that these words described me.

'We're going to have to work on your self-esteem, girl.' Karen said.

'Ok,' Ella said. 'I'm going to strut my stuff into the kitchen. Who wants ice cream?'

'Me!' Karen and Meredith said at the same time.

'Sang, do you want anything?' Ella asked me.

I went and stood next to her and put my finger under my chin. 'What do you recommend, my lady?'

'Chocolate milkshake with marshmallows,' she said, batting her eyelashes. 'How does that sound.?' Her voice came even more seductively than she intended too.

'Perfect!' I tried to mimic the voice of a man but failed. We all burst out laughing again.

We all slept in sleeping bags and I had to admit it was fun. So, this is what we do in sleepovers. This experience was amazing for me.


The next morning we all woke up late. We took our turns for shower and when we were all finally dressed, we walked downstairs together.

Gwen was already in the kitchen making breakfast for us. I offered to help her but she shooed me away. So I sat on the chairs like everyone else. We ate, while watching T.V and when we were finished, we decided to go to the mall.

Gwen drove us there and asked to call her again after an hour because she had some appointment in a salon.

'I can't! ' Ella cried as we stood in front of a tattoo shop. She was looking at a couple of guys leaning against the shop. Both were a bit hard looking, dressed in Camden black. Their arms were completely covered in tattoos and had stud everywhere, in their noses, in their lips....

'Chicken.' Meredith laughed at her sister.

'Yeah, let's forget what I said yesterday.' Ella said. Karen passed a smirk at me.


After an hour later, Gwen dropped Karen and me to our houses. It was a long day. I reached my house at 4 pm and then aunt June bugged me to tell her all about my experience. When I finished giving her every single detail,  I went to my room and finished my homework. I was too tired to take a walk, so I read the novel that kota gave me.

It was really interesting and the plot was unique. I loved it. I spent the whole Saturday night in my room and only left my room for dinner. After that I called my mom and told her all about my day. She asked me to visit her but I couldn't promise that. I wasn't ready to face my past and him.


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