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Our homeroom teacher introduced himself and start taking our attendance. A minute later the door open and two boys entered our class. The first one to enter was blond. His hair so long it almost touched his shoulders. Most of it was pulled back into a loose ponytail behind his head.

The second guy to enter was tan and his face had coarse hair from a day or two of not shaving. His eyes were dark and his jaw broad. He was pretty intimidating and I wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley, only he could also scare me in a broad daylight.

"Sorry we are late. Got stuck in traffic." The blond guy said.

"Your excuses are pretty lame but try to come in time" our homeroom teacher said. "What are your names?"

"Luke Taylor and he's North Taylor" the blond guy said now who is called Luke. I couldn't believe they were brothers. There was no resemblance between them. Luke had brown eyes where North had dark eyes. Even their body shapes were different. I could easily imagine Luke being a model where North was more like a body builder. Don't get me wrong but North was equally gorgeous on his own way.

If I had to pick out which one would be the most popular with girls, Luke would have beaten North by miles. I mean North looked really intense where Luke looked cute and friendly.

"Fine. Go take your seats." the teacher said.

Luke took the front seat and North took the other which was behind me. I watched over the class and every girl was looking either at North or Luke.
Some girls were even shooting daggers at me with their eyes. It was not my fault that they took their seats near me.

I start doodling in my notebook to distract myself from the girls who were trying to murder me from their death stare. I heard shifting of the chair in front of me and looked up only to find out that Luke was looking at me. This caused my breathing to stop.

"Do you have a spare pen?"he asked while looking straight into my eyes. I shyly nodded and hand him my pen which I was using. Thank god I bought some extra pens and notebooks with me.

"Thanks. I'm Lucian but everyone calls me Luke and you are?"he said.

"Sang." I said softly which I wasn't sure if he heard or not.


"Yes" I said but this time a little louder. He smiled and shifted his gaze towards my notebook.

"What are you doing? Let me see."he asked and tilted my notebook so he could get a better look at it.

"Wow. My friend Gabriel would love it". I wasn't sure what was so good about it. It was just some hearts that I tried to hide in a bird's wings. It wasn't good. But still his words felt like they were spoken from his heart.

"Thanks." I couldn't understand why he was talking to me. I wasn't even beautiful.

"You are so shy. Are you new here?" he asked.

"Yes. I just moved here."I said, trying not to look directly in his eyes. He was gorgeous. I don't have much experience with boys at that's what causing me to blush like a mad person.

"Where did you move from?"

"I'm from up North. The south is different."

"It's warmer, but it's probably the same"he said smiling a little wider. It felt so different talking to a boy. I mean I'm normally shy but talking to him felt really easy.

We talked about weather and palm trees before the bell rang. I put my notebook into my bag and make my way towards my next class before saying bye to Luke. He seemed to be a nice guy. My next class was AP English. I have memorized my schedule because it's was very annoying to look at it after every period.

I was walking down the corridor and I heard my name being called. I looked behind me and found that Luke was running towards me.

"Hey. You forgot your pen" he said holding my pen towards me.

"Take it. I have got spare pens in my bag" I said. It was hard not to smile at his sweetness.

"Thanks. What class do you have next?" He asked.

"A.P English and you?"

"Same." He said a little too loud. I don't know but I thought I saw his eyes sparkling. "Let's walk together."


"Come on. We'll get late."

There was no way to say no to him. He was very childlike and cute.
The corridor was very crowded and I was thankful that Luke was walking with me. It seemed like he knew the way. If he wasn't with me I knew I would have got lost or probably hurt.

After 5 minutes we reached our class. I Don't know with this amount of children, how the school was able to function.

Our English teacher, M.s Johnson was not in the class which means she was late. I make my way towards the back of the classroom because the front seats were already full.

Luke took his seat behind a boy whose face wasn't visible from the angle I was sitting. We both were sitting far from each other. After a while Ms. Johnson started our class. She started taking our roll call but there was one name that name that caught my attention. Kota.

I don't know if I heard it right or not but this caused me to shiver. After gathering some courage I looked toward the seat where I thought he was sitting. I was only able to see his glasses but this confirmed that he was the same person my aunt was talking about. She said he was smart and his glasses proved that. I know it wasn't fair to judge people with their looks but at that moment I couldn't help it.

Suddenly I heard my name being called out. I looked up and realized that Ms. Johnson was taking our roll calls. I raised my hand and softly said present but loud enough for her to hear it.

I looked at kota and he was looking directly at me. Shit....My heart was beating so rapidly, I felt I needed to sink to the ground in order to breath. Now he knew that I was Sang, the girl who needs babysitting.


A/N: Plz ignore if there's any mistake.🤗
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