It's all Greek to Me....

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"What are you doing?"

Luke jumped. "Geez, North. Wear a bell or something. You shouldn't be allowed to sneak up on me when I'm working in the kitchen." He waved a knife in his brother's direction. "I'm working with knives."

"You shouldn't be allowed to touch knives." North grunted and came closer to the island where Luke was working. He crossed his arms and stared down at the ingredients that Luke was working with.

Luke frowned at him. "I'm allowed. I've been allowed in Uncle's kitchen around his knives longer than you or I knew about each other."

"Fine." North huffed a sigh. "So..." He arched an eyebrow at him. "Butter, filo dough, pistachios...?"

Luke gave him a look. "Don't forget the honey and rose water while you're at it. What do you think I'm doing?" He asked, chopping the last of the nuts with his knife.

North's eyes shaded slightly as he studied the table and then his brother. "What are you doing with the Korba baklava recipe?"

Luke smiled and went to put the butter in the microwave to melt. "Silas had it. I found it." He shrugged.

"There's no chocolate in it, why are you doing this?"

Luke looked over at him, catching the way North's voice dropped into something fairly shaky. "Because I want to." He said. "Both you and he deserve something to remember his mom by." He leaned against the counter and waited. "Don't think I don't notice how it affects both of you when Erica always makes those Greek cookies at Christmas every year. Or that she specifically gives him a double container of them to take home to his dad and to Theo when he was here."

North's jaw tightened for a moment at the mention of Theo before he relaxed. He could have lost Silas forever thanks to that guy, more than once. And the last time, he'd gotten hurt, they could have lost Sang AND they'd actually had a secret Academy meeting for a council to discuss punishment.

That was 2 favors that they lost and couldn't use on protecting Sang because it was the only way to not have Silas be in more trouble for not seeking help with it. They'd just had too much on their plate at the time and Silas hadn't realized that Charlie even hadn't been at home as much.

North's hands tightened into fists. Not that it was all Silas' fault. He was only 16 and Charlie was still the parent and should have been more responsible for his 19 year old son. They'd all known Theo wasn't happy to be here. He exhaled slowly and loosened his hands. "Okay. Can I help?" he asked.

"Sure." Luke said. "You can start with buttering 2 pans. I want to make enough for all of us but then a container for Silas to share with Charlie." He got the butter out of the microwave as North grabbed an apron and a brush to brush the butter in the pans.

They worked silently, side by side, layering the filo dough in the pan, buttering the paper thin sheets of dough before adding more to have a few layers of dough. They then split half of the chopped nuts between the two pans, added a few more layers of filo, the rest of the nuts and then additional filo on top – following Mrs. Korba's recipe to the smallest detail. Luke scored the pans and they put them in the oven to bake.

"Do we have to eat it cold or is it good fresh from the oven?"

North shrugged. "It needs time while it cools for the honey to soak into it but I remember a couple times she used to let us have a piece right out of the oven. It was still really good."

"Then why not text Silas to come over and wait with us for it to bake." Luke said softly.

"He's got Sang today."

"Even better." Luke said. North studied him for a moment before nodding slightly and texting their brother.

Silas and Sang managed to arrive just as Luke pulled the pans out of the oven. "Made it." Silas smiled as he clutched Sang's hand. She laughed softly.

"Good." North said, 'supervising' as Luke split the honey syrup and they each poured half over a pan.

"You're cooking with honey?" Sang raised an eyebrow at her typically grumpy, black wearing, anti sweets boyfriend.

"It's a good reason and recipe." He said, his eyes flashing up to meet Silas gaze. "Luke found your mom's baklava recipe."

Luke flushed. "I wasn't going to actually tell him that because he doesn't know that I have it yet." He muttered. "Sorry man. I didn't take it, I just wrote it down and put it back where I found it."

Silas stared at the two of them for a moment. "It's okay." He finally said, letting Luke relax. "I'd almost forgotten that I had her recipe box tucked away."

"You do?" Sang looked up at him. "I'd like to see that. There may be some of her recipes that aren't too complicated for me to make."

"I'll let you have it then to go through." He studied the pans. "They need at least 10 minutes to let that soak in."

"Unless we do what your mom used to do and eat a piece right away." North smiled slightly. "It was so good slightly hot."

"Then of course." Silas smiled back. "Mama always had a piece when it was fresh out of the oven, not just when we were there. I think she'd almost insist on it."

Luke beamed. "Perfect." He said, going to get some plates and rescoring the pan so that the pieces would come out easier. He dished them all up a piece and found forks.

Silas cut off a piece of his baklava and held it up, studying it. "Good layers, just like hers." He said softly, his gaze going first to Luke and then to North. "To mama." He raised his fork. They all raised a bite and echoed his words before they ate the first bite. Silas closed his eyes and a smile grew on his face. He set his plate down and went over to Luke, surprising him when he grabbed his face between his hands and kissed him on both cheeks before pressing a kiss to Luke's forehead. "You're family now." He advised him. "That is like having a piece of my mama back. Thank you."

Luke flushed slightly. "You're welcome." He said. "I just wanted you to have a bit of her back." He admitted.

Sang smiled. "We should finish these." She suggested gently. "We can get Greek take out for dinner, right? Invite your dad and Uncle and Erica and Jessica over for a big Greek family get together."

The boys all laughed but agreed it was a good idea.


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